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Wyoming tag fee increase

Idaho, Montana and now Wyoming raises there fees anyone see a trend? Who would have thought that brining in a few mutts at the same time as a large economic downturn would end the best wildlife system in the world in a few short years. Bravo tree huggers bravo. I think the only solution is the feds need to pay the states a fare amount for every thing they force on them (all endangered species.)The money should come out of the general tax pool "china"
Idaho, Montana and now Wyoming raises there fees anyone see a trend? Who would have thought that brining in a few mutts at the same time as a large economic downturn would end the best wildlife system in the world in a few short years. Bravo tree huggers bravo. I think the only solution is the feds need to pay the states a fare amount for every thing they force on them (all endangered species.)The money should come out of the general tax pool "china"

Is this a serious post?
Um... Nope. I don't see how that is either a good idea or raises revenue.

Why is this not a good idea?

So to raise revenue, make it $200 each instead of $175.

Everyone should pay the same, why not? Why should NR pay more?
Oak to answer your question yes and no.
I do believe that management of endangered species among other thing is putting an undo burden on f&g departments.
Oak to answer your question yes and no.
I do believe that management of endangered species among other thing is putting an undo burden on f&g departments.

The USFWS provides funding for state agencies who work on the conservation of T&E species. If you are referring to candidate species, then no, just the PR/DJ funds are tied to state wildlife action plans. Most state constitutions say that these agencies are to manage all wildlife, not just game species.

Personally I'd rather have state agencies managing these species than the fed. As a conservationist, I'm okay with my license dollars being spent on all wildlife and not just buck and bull counts or boondoggles like Utah's coyote bounty.
Ben I think most would agree that the state should manage all of our wildlife but with that being said do you agree that the state gets the short end of the stick when it comes to funding these projects and they are left to find it elsewhere. Somethings there are just no hard numbers on like how wolves have affected elk tag sales in Idaho. All hype or not to some extent it has affected tag sales. That's something that was forced on our fish&game department and has left a funding void.
Ben I think most would agree that the state should manage all of our wildlife but with that being said do you agree that the state gets the short end of the stick when it comes to funding these projects and they are left to find it elsewhere. Somethings there are just no hard numbers on like how wolves have affected elk tag sales in Idaho. All hype or not to some extent it has affected tag sales. That's something that was forced on our fish&game department and has left a funding void.

No disagreement. So how do we make everyone get some skin in the game?

Are you also going to force Goldman-Sachs for crashing the economy and reducing the number of nr's hunting in western states, or are we just bashing species that we almost wiped out? :D
Here it is Ben. A percentage of one cent sales tax.
This makes every citizen of a state have skin in the game.
While each state has unique management challenges,i think all 50 have similar problems when it comes to funding.I have seen this model work in my own state and i suspect something along this line could be tweaked to work in most states.

When a 1/8 cent sales tax(earmarked for wildlife management) was proposed in my state i didn't give it a chance in hell, this is a conservative southern state after all.However when put before the people it passed with alot of support from groups and people who's first response to any tax is ''OVER MY DEAD BODY'' myself included.

I understand that each state is diff and there is no ''one size fits all'' but if those of us who care about conservation don't get on the ball the crowd who thinks that we just need to auction some more tags or jack up prices are gonna win the day.
I'd still hunt Wyoming with the fee increase as long as the strip clubs didn't raise their cover have to draw a line somewhere :D
Here it is Ben. A percentage of one cent sales tax.
This makes every citizen of a state have skin in the game.
While each state has unique management challenges,i think all 50 have similar problems when it comes to funding.I have seen this model work in my own state and i suspect something along this line could be tweaked to work in most states.

When a 1/8 cent sales tax(earmarked for wildlife management) was proposed in my state i didn't give it a chance in hell, this is a conservative southern state after all.However when put before the people it passed with alot of support from groups and people who's first response to any tax is ''OVER MY DEAD BODY'' myself included.

I understand that each state is diff and there is no ''one size fits all'' but if those of us who care about conservation don't get on the ball the crowd who thinks that we just need to auction some more tags or jack up prices are gonna win the day.

I believe Missouri has something like this in place, and it seems to be working.

As long as these funds are not dipped into from something other than what they're intended for.
Here it is Ben. A percentage of one cent sales tax.
This makes every citizen of a state have skin in the game.
While each state has unique management challenges,i think all 50 have similar problems when it comes to funding.I have seen this model work in my own state and i suspect something along this line could be tweaked to work in most states.

When a 1/8 cent sales tax(earmarked for wildlife management) was proposed in my state i didn't give it a chance in hell, this is a conservative southern state after all.However when put before the people it passed with alot of support from groups and people who's first response to any tax is ''OVER MY DEAD BODY'' myself included.

I understand that each state is diff and there is no ''one size fits all'' but if those of us who care about conservation don't get on the ball the crowd who thinks that we just need to auction some more tags or jack up prices are gonna win the day.

I'm with you 110%.

Some states don't have a sales tax, so we'll need to use some other user based tax that relates to wildlife or tourism, but the approach taken by none other than Mike Huckabee works.

Huck may be crazy as a loon when it comes to national politics, but he's a good egg when it comes to conservation. :D
Someone then please explain to me why if states with budget shortfalls see this model working for others,they don't implement something similar.

Take just a second to look at the number of hunters we have lost in the last couple decades and how much more revenue states need to manage wildlife. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the road we are on.I get it that agencies need funds but raising tag fees just prices more folks out,therefore making it necessary to raise fees again. Its a vicious circle that can not be sustained.
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Someone then please explain to me why if states with budget shortfalls see this model working for others,they don't implement something similar.

Take just a second to look at the number of hunters we have lost in the last couple decades and how much more revenue states need to manage wildlife. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the road we are on.I get it that agencies need funds but raising tag fees just prices more folks out,therefore making it necessary to raise fees again. Its a vicious circle that can not be sustained.

Mostly it's because it takes political capitol to change the way these agencies are funded. Using the sales tax, you'll be taking money away from other interests (Counties, cities, schools, whatever else is funded by sales tax revenue). Increasing sales tax to include wildlife conservation is a tough sell in any climate, let alone one where lobbyists force legislators to pledge "no new taxes."

In short, if you can get the political will, you can make it happen. If not, then you're just going to be utilizing the same methods that we're complaining about today. Forward momentum is the enemy of politics.
Wyoming will do the same as ct, raise the price up there than cut it back a little so you think you are getting a good deal i am a meat hunter and not going to pay anymore than what it is on a fixed income really hurts. seems to care about us.
When explained to the people it passed with almost 70% approval. Has never been considered for repeal.

Would bet a plug nickel that not one state in the inner mountain west is any more conservative than my home state. Would also wager that people of the western states enjoy the outdoors more then any other region of the country. I personally cant imagine that these same people don't want to pay for the management of their wildlife and conservation of its habitat.

Next time a carload of our Texas neighbors come north to see the fall colors,or ride a jet ski on a lake or just enjoy a trip through wine country ,they are going to help pay for what drew them here, and i say THANKS.