A WY Pronghorn Tale

Oooh, great story - I love it! All those years of practice and perfection and the excited kid on Christmas morning still comes out (the rushed miss).

What a great hunt to kick off your hunting season. Enjoy your venison.

I look forward to taxidermy pics!
Morning of day 2 it took a little longer to get out to the blind than I thought it would. The sun was starting to rise and antelope were already out feeding as I drove to my little water hole. I parked the truck out of sight and took the short walk to the blind. Now to sit and wait. Lots of doubts in my mind on whether or not there was even a buck in this area. I didn't see any antelope in the time I was there the day before. What if I was wasting my time here? What if all the antelope get spooked by the new appearance of the blind? Only one way to find out. Sit and wait and see what comes in.

The first group came in around 8am. A doe and two fawns. They drank for a bit and the two young ones were awfully cute!

Next a group of two does with a fawn each.

A little while later a single fawn.- mom must have waited out of sight from my view In the blind.

Next more does.

Again more does.

What is this place the nursery?
Following. Awesome way to share this hunt. I will be going on my first Pronghorn hunt this year. Best of luck!

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