
Biden Is Out

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Does not immediately endorse Harris...either he still has some sauce left or has been instructed.
I hope everyone is respectful. An American citizen should always respect the office of the President whether you like the man or not, respect the office.
I'll give you a little side note. Some of you older guys already know this but I guess the majority still have it coming. There's a point in life where you will admit that there's things you can no longer do. Be it physical or mental, the day is coming. My first physical crush was that I could no longer build fishing rods because of arthritis in my hands. I couldn't hold a couple 5 gallon water bottles out to the side. No longer crush a single walnut with one hand. A real biggy was this last April when I failed the written driver's test. 4 times. I drove truck for nearly 30 years and held every endorsement there was except school bus! I failed the f'ing test. There's a blow to the ego..
Imagine how Biden is feeling right now. I'll bet he's crushed mentally. Please don't take pot shots at the man. Be respectful and put yourself in his position.
In other news the democrats were quick to find another candidate to run for president. A wild card out from Californias canned food section
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I hope everyone is respectful. An American citizen should always respect the office of the President whether you like the man or not, respect the office.
I'll give you a little side note. Some of you older guys already know this but I guess the majority still have it coming. There's a point in life where you will admit that there's things you can no longer do. Be it physical or mental, the day is coming. My first physical crush was that I could no longer build fishing rods because of arthritis in my hands. I couldn't hold a couple 5 gallon water bottles out to the side. No longer crush a single walnut with one hand. A real biggy was this last April when I failed the written driver's test. 4 times. I drove truck for nearly 30 years and held every endorsement there was except school bus! I failed the f'ing test. There's a blow to the ego..
Imagine how Biden is feeling right now. I'll bet he's crushed mentally. Please don't take pot shots at the man. Be respectful and put yourself in his position.
Respect is earned. Now a call to be respectful?
The previous admin was shown none.
What Biden is feeling right now? A brain freeze from his ice cream and slightly sleepy from not getting his nap?
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