Yeti GOBOX Collection

USO's latest threat to Arizona

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All of this is bullsh*t! What about the average man who has family in other states? Should he be priced out of a chance to hunt with family? We all probably got started hunting with fathers and uncles. Everyone seems to think that AZ is just for trophy hunting rich people, but if your Son or Daughter lives in a Western state, would'nt you want the chance to enjoy a hunt with them and thats where USO and AZ residents have totally gone ape sh*t. Pull your head out of your butt and remember what make you hunt, for me it's the joy of the experience and sharing that with those close to me. John
Buzz, I agree with you that the raising of prices is crap. It won't stop anyone but the average man from applying for a tag through Taulman and his hunt service. I believe there were several ideas that were put forth that had more merit than raising prices. None of those were adopted, however. The idea of banning convicted felons from participating in any way in guiding and/or outfitting. Prohibiting the use of "application services" to apply for hunt tags. The mailing of hunt tags directly to the applicants home address, only. None of these or other ideas with more merit than raising prices were adopted. I don't know why, but they weren't.

Now it appears that the idea of raising prices will impact Taulman's business. If it does, I support it. I'm sorry for the common Joe who gets screwed in this deal, but at this point, I'm only interested in sticking it to Taulman any way possible.

I'm a realist. Unless something really unusual happens, we are stuck with this arrangement forever. I don't hold much hope for any of the legislative solutions making it past the 9th Circus Court. At this point in the game, I'm sure that every resident hunter in Arizona is more interested in protecting their ability to draw one of the few tags available than insuring that all of you guys in Montana who can buy tags across the counter, have the ability to get one of the limited number of Arizona tags available. If it keeps folks out of Arizona, then I'm in favor of it. If this means I can't hunt in Colorado or Wyoming or Montana, then so be it.

So once again, I'm sorry Buzz.


Uhhhh... just for your information, I don't apply for early season rut hunts. Maybe your idea of a "premier" elk hunt involves driving around in the bugle season on your ATV and whacking a big bull in a 100% success unit. Kind of like your MT Premier hunts where you stay at the Motel and chase Cheeto-fattened bulls from the Park. Ain't my idea of a good time.

We apply for the late hunts, after our Idaho seasons are closed. In Sept/Oct we are too busy with finishing up on farm work. Then we have Idaho Elk/Deer. AZ is just a way to hunt later in the year.

But glad to know you apply for the easy hunts.... I am sure the meat tastes just as good.... It is just the memories would be a bit less filling.... :rolleyes:
Wolfhugger, the $3200 ceiling is proposed for only the early rifle rut hunts and you said "AZ wants to jack my Elk tag up to $3200." :D Pants on fire?

I'm staying in a motel tonight, until I wake up at about 2:30AM to take off, leaving the truck with backpacks more than 3 hours before daylight. You really should get out of your own private Idahobubble.. maybe you can come hang out with the Jersey Girls in the Lamar valley and watch the radio collared wolves.
Are those little bottles of shampoo and conditioner enough for your "premier" hunt, or do you have to bring more than what the motel provides? Don't forget your Cucumber-Melon body wash on your "premier" hunt....

And last time I hung out with Jersey girls, I got tired of listening to Bon Jovi at the Stone Pony.....

If the AZ residents want some unique way to bear the burden, then they can raid their general fund for the state. I get a bit confused here, but if you take the NR $$$ away, are the residents willing to step up with adequate $$$$ to pay for management of the game?

Am I missing something here, or is the reason for the proposed increases only to punish NR (ie... USO) and to find another way of keeping tags in AZ for the exclusive use of residents (inhibiting interstate commerce?)
I tell you how the residents could bear more of the financial burden...charge them 3200 for a premier elk tag.
looks like buzzy and noelkgunner will have to get second jobs, I look at it as better odds for the rest of us who will still apply at any cost

I'll apply either way.

By the way, did you get your $3 back from the bison draw that you were all worried about?

Hows business at the Fireside?
so that was you wife I saw there! have you put up a practice pole at home yet?


Are you hitting the bottle early today? I'm sure your sister/wife (same person) would enjoy it if you would stay sober until noon. Do your kids have a nice bright future picking banjos with that sixth finger? Is that what you're banking on as your way "out" of the Bitterroot trailer park? Maybe then you could even afford ripple instead of MD 20/20.

Oh, and 280, be sure to keep your kids away from sharp knives as you're way out of the trailer park could be compromised....
The people who want no non-resident tags are a very,very small minority. Probably about the same amoutn of people who want no non-resident tags in ID,WY etc...

Buzz, $3200 for a resident premier elk tag would certainly help bear the burden (the AZGFD will most like put a 30% increase on all tag fees this year, resident &non-resident) So AZ will be about the same as all the other states. I still don't see a real reply to non-residents bearing the finacial burden. Lets see some numbers please.
schmalts said:
CJCJ, with that attitude i hope you never plan to hunt outside of AZ. Keep in mind al lwill follow AZ if they get away with it.

Smalts I admit i am being selfish here...and i have never hunted or applied for out of state tags...sorry if you don`t like my selfish atittude...but there are not enough elk tags in AZ to go around... why don`t you try states with over the counter tags? you will have a much better chance..yep i`m selfish i want my family and i to be able to one in my family has drawn a deer or elk tag in 2 years!!!! can you guys in other states say you have it that bad? some of you guys kill 2 or more deer a year.

Draftstud ...if you just want to get out with your family and they are residents why don`t you just tag along? you guys hunt in your state and i will stick to mine....if there are left over tags then you can have them...sorry but i will have to be a "selfish" AZ hunter...I don`t have much choice. :) :)

you guys hunt in your state and i will stick to mine....if there are left over tags then you can have them

Unfortunately the courts, most likely, are not going to see it your way in most cases.

I certainly do not like nor support what USO is trying to do. Having said that I think that it is short sighted to take that attitude.

-First off the courts have not ruled on the Federal Land issue. The first thing you will be hearing is that Federal lands are owned by all of us so you cannot "punish" NR hunters by charging "outrageous" fees. The courts could very well agree with that idea.

-Secondly by dividing hunters into two opposing camps, Res vs. NR, you are alienating those few allies you have out there. The Arizona resident hunters are going to need those allies for future battles.

-Third By making making the tags so expensive you are playing right into what USO wants. Do you think the guys who helped finance USO's suit have any trouble digging up $3,200? Your attitude of me first as a resident and screw everyone else who may wish to hunt Arizona will hurt you far more then it will help in the long.

In Montana NR fund 94% of Block Management $$$ through higher NR license fees, they also fund a disportionately large percentage of the rest of the FWP budget. I don't necessarily want to see more NR hunters either but the reality of it is that they are willing to plunk down a lot of $$$ hunt out of state and the NR community as a whole has a lot of money to continue to fund these types of cases. Why not nip it in the bud now rather then wait for the next case to come before a judge who most likely doesn't hunt and doesn't care about your hunting opportunities?

I think a more prudent and practical step would be go for the hard cap on NR numbers and raise fees for both NR and Res.

Nemont-You are right IMO about USO liking the fee increases. That said, if Taulman can force them down then that is good PR for him. On game ownership USO did not use that issue as the SC did rule on that in several old cases and the game is state property unless the new court decides to change it. I don't have the cases but they were listed by someone the last go round. The best thing is to wait for Reid's bill to pass and I think it will. State's rights are a big deal to republicans and we have control for the next couple of years. I think the dems on the committee would support it also as it is good for their states as well. As far as USO and the latest lawsuit threat it will depend on the actual amount of the increases vs the caps and how the res/NR percentages compare to other states.

I wouldnt let CJCJ rattle your cage, he represents a very tiny minority of AZ resident hunters. His opinion is just that, and a vast majority of AZ residents would think he is off his rocker with those types of claims.

I think opinions of those like Ringers are what you'll commonly find in AZ residents, thankfully.
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