Caribou Gear

USO's latest threat to Arizona

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You are right about the Arizona elk pro's...they couldnt handle a cow hunt in MT, ID, or WY. I'd rank killing elk in AZ about as difficult as antelope hunting in Wyoming.

I apply for elk in AZ, but I truthfully dont care if I ever draw...

The only tag I want in AZ is a late coues deer and a desert sheep. If I get those AZ can keep their elk.
Hey Buzz,

Check back in when it is time to apply for AZ, and you can put in on our party (there are 2 of us) for the late rifle hunts. I think, assuming AZ doesn't "de-value" non-Res bonus points, we are both up to 4 points.

OF course, I may have to buy some new boots, as I am not sure my Schnee's will work too well down in AZ, as they are hard to shift the ATV with them on.... Or are you actually not required to use an ATV for game retrieval?

Heck, we could meet up with CJ and DanR.... That would be flippin' hilarious....

But I seriously don't understand the AZ attitude. Life is too short to spend hunting seasons without a tag in your pocket. And the cost of an out of state Idaho (or Wyoming) license and tag is less than 10% of the cost of their ATV.

I have 4 points as well...

I dont know if the AZ guys would like a bunch of NR's showing up without ATV's???

This is kind of funny too...

I took the hunter "education" class while I was down there last year for the life-time point. That was a riot, the instructer, who weighed about 3 and a half bills, told the class it was "unethical to hunt elk where you couldnt get to it with an ATV". Almost as comical as the part he rattled on about how the FS really doesnt want anyone to hunt in Wilderness areas. Or the part about how we have to be nice to landowners because elk compete with their cattle. Or the part about how its ridiculous to worry about threatened and endangered species.

I whipped on that lard ass like a rented mule...I corrected him on the wilderness issue, his god-complex regarding endangered species, briefed him on the ESA, and told him on MY PUBLIC lands the cattle compete with MY elk, corrected him on AZ fall turkey regs (he said it was shotgun only).

To top it off, he had to hand me a video of AZ wildlife as I got a perfect score on his test.

If thats an indication of what AZ has for instructors, I dont see a bright future for Arizonas young hunters....
I think when we vote on banning gay marriage here we need to add rude little gay hunters from Wyoming and lock fuzzface out. OR we can raise a few bucks for habitat. Resident premium elk $150, NR premium elk $3000. Homo in thong premium elk tag $25000. Might get sued by Taulman and Buzz for discrimination though. JMO

It must be the heat in the summers down there, but the Hunter Ed instructor sounds just like the AZ posters here.... Don't need to protect endangered species, make sure you use an ATV, etc... etc... I don't have any problem believing the instructor's attitude.
Buzz you are so full of yourself...Its laughable...and i`m calling bullshit on you [instructor; unethical to hunt elk without ATV] That sounds like bullshit to me.... yea come on down for that late coues I will meet you and Gunner....I know a good spot for ya [right on the Mexican border] work on your "spanglish"...
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