Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

I may be getting old...

I like to pee in open areas then yell at people to stop looking on my property. Especially if they are on bicycles.

Damned bicycles running all over these roads, slowing down traffic, not obeying traffic signs and almost getting smoked by a county hot mix truck around a blind corner because they didn't want to stop. Go back to Chicago, fudgies!
Don't even get me started.
I get a huge laugh out of people bitching about ag noise. Most of them live in subdivisions that used to be ag land. Then after they move there, they expect the adjacent remaining farms and ranches that are still operating to refrain from what they have always done. Hilarious. My favorite is when some people in a new subdivision complained because the cows made noise mooing when the calves were weaned. mtmuley
I get a huge laugh out of people bitching about ag noise. Most of them live in subdivisions that used to be ag land. Then after they move there, they expect the adjacent remaining farms and ranches that are still operating to refrain from what they have always done. Hilarious. My favorite is when some people in a new subdivision complained because the cows made noise mooing when the calves were weaned. mtmuley
Subdivision got built around my parents and grandma's place. Guy came over to share his displeasure from the flies from the animals. So, my old man built a pen literally on the property line which was about 15bfeet from his back porch. Filled it with hogs and made sure to use the bulk feeders with the lids that bang constantly. Good times. Welcome to the country m'fer!
Subdivision got built around my parents and grandma's place. Guy came over to share his displeasure from the flies from the animals. So, my old man built a pen literally on the property line which was about 15bfeet from his back porch. Filled it with hogs and made sure to use the bulk feeders with the lids that bang constantly. Good times. Welcome to the country m'fer!
I've seen people literally honk and try to push their vehicle through cattle on our rural highway when they are being moved. Unbelievable. I know many ranchers and hear great stories all the time about people like this. mtmuley
Reminds me of the guy who adamantly opposed any rules, regulations, policies, esp zoning regarding growth ... but now is struggling to sell his place right across the fence from Montana's largest pot growing industrial plant southwest of Gateway! But it's tough to grumble too much when you got a free high from the ambient air! :D
Reminds me of the guy who adamantly opposed any rules, regulations, policies, esp zoning regarding growth ... but now is struggling to sell his place right across the fence from Montana's largest pot growing industrial plant southwest of Gateway! But it's tough to grumble too much when you got a free high from the ambient air! :D
Why is the sale struggling? Seems a Marijuana farm would be quiet and low impact. Like growing vegetables basically. And no, I don't partake. Just amused by the hysteria. mtmuley
Why is the sale struggling?
It's a visual image, with the surrounding area open space pasture, small horse places and a rural atmosphere. But the pot complex is large industrial appearing greenhouses, metal buildings, industria looking complex, and just a real contrast to areas near the mouth of the Gallatin Canyon and the open agricultural fields of the Flying D Ranch and other ag lands. If you saw it you would easily understand, as it looks nothing like a farm or a low impact facility. It's industrial in appearance!
It's a visual image, with the surrounding area open space pasture, small horse places and a rural atmosphere. But the pot complex is large industrial appearing greenhouses, metal buildings, industria looking complex, and just a real contrast to areas near the mouth of the Gallatin Canyon and the open agricultural fields of the Flying D Ranch and other ag lands. If you saw it you would easily understand, as it looks nothing like a farm or a low impact facility. It's industrial in appearance!
I'll look it up. Subdivisions are the same blight in my opinion. mtmuley
Reminds me of the guy who adamantly opposed any rules, regulations, policies, esp zoning regarding growth ... but now is struggling to sell his place right across the fence from Montana's largest pot growing industrial plant southwest of Gateway! But it's tough to grumble too much when you got a free high from the ambient air! :D
So does his place have any land ? And does the pot farm hire local ?
Asking for a friend ....
I was more hoping to see what else makes people feel old. Some have provided that.
I felt really old yesterday, and sill feeling it today. Went fishing with a friend and when we got back to the dock he tied up my boat. As I was getting out of the boat I tripped on something, bounced off the end of the dock and SPLASH! I had to swim over to the boat ramp to get out. At least my phone and wallet were still in the boat so they weren't dunked, and I had a partial change of clothes in the truck.

So that's just one recent incidence of carelessness that's becoming more frequent, it seems.
Subdivision got built around my parents and grandma's place. Guy came over to share his displeasure from the flies from the animals. So, my old man built a pen literally on the property line which was about 15bfeet from his back porch. Filled it with hogs and made sure to use the bulk feeders with the lids that bang constantly. Good times. Welcome to the country m'fer!
My father in law built a shed to block the neighbors view because he got into it with the neighbor.
I felt really old yesterday, and sill feeling it today. Went fishing with a friend and when we got back to the dock he tied up my boat. As I was getting out of the boat I tripped on something, bounced off the end of the dock and SPLASH! I had to swim over to the boat ramp to get out. At least my phone and wallet were still in the boat so they weren't dunked, and I had a partial change of clothes in the truck.

So that's just one recent incidence of carelessness that's becoming more frequent, it seems.
Like a bill dance blooper.
Just wait until the next neighborhood party or community gathering where that landowner is present... and cropdust him. As many times as you like until the fuel runs out. Revenge is sweet.
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