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I may be getting old...

boy do i get pissy about all sorts of things only a grumpy old man would get pissy about.

i'd be pissed about the earlier than normal aerial application of fertilizers or insecticides. but it would likely stop at me just being pissed.
Reminds me of living on JBER. Finally get to sleep in, and the fighter wing goes screaming over head at the ass crack of dawn without fail.
4 pages and counting because an airplane woke somebody up.
Yes, quite crazy.

My intent was actually to be more of a humorous thread because I didn't want to be mad about the situation but I indeed was. That made me feel like an old grumpy man - was supposed to be the end of that story. Then I found it interesting how my little overreaction spurt of anger actually resulted in some reaction.

Rather than discuss the legality or whether it was justified to actually be angry at the situation, I was more hoping to see what else makes people feel old. Some have provided that.
Yes, quite crazy.

My intent was actually to be more of a humorous thread because I didn't want to be mad about the situation but I indeed was. That made me feel like an old grumpy man - was supposed to be the end of that story. Then I found it interesting how my little overreaction spurt of anger actually resulted in some reaction.

Rather than discuss the legality or whether it was justified to actually be angry at the situation, I was more hoping to see what else makes people feel old. Some have provided that.

so then back to your point, you know what grinds my gears?

online food ordering.

$*)Q!#@$ annoying. 4 people in line at chipotle and it takes 20 minutes to get a shitty overpriced burrito that used to be delicious, properly priced, and in my hands in less than 4 minutes. i'm on the young end of the millenial spectrum, i should be all about online food ordering. can't freakin stand it. hate everything about it. it's making the world worse in every way it could.

similarly, i once jumped in the car after work and called the barbershop to get on the list to stop in and get a hair cut. they answered and said "sorry you can only make appointment on the app" i said "excuse me what? i'm driving i can't do that, plus i don't have the app. you're standing in front of the computer right? can't you just put me in?" she says "sorry no, you have to use the app" i flipped that gal off over the phone, if you will.
You must not have lived in ag country since they pulled plows with horses. It damn sure ain't quiet. Not even a little.
Only my entire life.
It's busy with trucks, tractors, lights and noise for a few weeks every spring and fall during planting and harvest. Grain dryers are loud and run a lot for a few months after harvest, and when the wind is wrong we occasionally smell a confined hog operation or freshly spread manure. Even see a little crop dusting occasionally which I think is pretty neat to watch. Neighbors shoot guns occasionally and we hear a few dogs bark, chickens crow and donkeys bay.

I'll take it any day over living in a metro area with non stop traffic noise, the heat off all the asphalt, factory noises, trains, interstate, sirens, city odors, and mostly just so many people around and active all the time.
so then back to your point, you know what grinds my gears?

online food ordering.

$*)Q!#@$ annoying. 4 people in line at chipotle and it takes 20 minutes to get a shitty overpriced burrito that used to be delicious, properly priced, and in my hands in less than 4 minutes.

similarly, i once jumped in the car after work and called the barbershop to get on the list to stop in and get a hair cut. they answered and said "sorry you can only make appointment on the app" i said "excuse me what? i'm driving i can't do that, plus i don't have the app. you're standing in front of the computer right? can't you just put me in?" she says "sorry no, you have to use the app" i flipped

that gal off over the phone, if you will.
I have never ordered food online but you just gave me a craving for some rot gut Chipotle. Can you believe nobody else in my household will eat it?

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I have never ordered food online but you just gave me a craving for some rot gut Chipotle. Can you believe nobody else in my house hold will eat it?

View attachment 329492

i guess jokes on me because i don't actually think it's shitty and we eat it plenty often still. imagine me there complaining about how annoying chipotle is through a fat mouthful of rice, beans, cheese, red salsa, sour cream, lettuce and double steak.... it happens all the time.

god bless my wife.
i guess jokes on me because i don't actually think it's shitty and we eat it plenty often still. imagine me there complaining about how annoying chipotle is through a fat mouthful of rice, beans, cheese, red salsa, sour cream, lettuce and double steak.... it happens all the time.

god bless my wife.
I need to get out more. We could get double steak this whole phuggin time?
Not a fan of Chipotle, but Qdoba rocks!

Aches and pains and recovery time make me feel old. And last summer someone called me my dads name. that stung!
Yes, quite crazy.

My intent was actually to be more of a humorous thread because I didn't want to be mad about the situation but I indeed was. That made me feel like an old grumpy man - was supposed to be the end of that story. Then I found it interesting how my little overreaction spurt of anger actually resulted in some reaction.

Rather than discuss the legality or whether it was justified to actually be angry at the situation, I was more hoping to see what else makes people feel old. Some have provided that.
Kids..... make you feel damn old.
I like to pee in open areas then yell at people to stop looking on my property. Especially if they are on bicycles.

Damned bicycles running all over these roads, slowing down traffic, not obeying traffic signs and almost getting smoked by a county hot mix truck around a blind corner because they didn't want to stop. Go back to Chicago, fudgies!
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