I may be getting old...

@Dsnow9 , what are your personal hours for chainsaw and chipper work, outside of which you’d feel that nearby folks are fully justified to be upset?

I swear most of these comments are devils advocate, farm boy virtue signaling, or just busting his balls because it’s seeth.

deacon is constrained to the noise ordinance measures in place in the tender urban setting in which he is working. usually 9 or 10 pm to 7 am.
@Dsnow9 , what are your personal hours for chainsaw and chipper work, outside of which you’d feel that nearby folks are fully justified to be upset?

I swear most of these comments are devils advocate, farm boy virtue signaling, or just busting his balls because it’s seeth.
We leave the shop around 7am. Usually at the job site between 7:30am and 8:30am depending on travel and traffic. Saws are usually running around 8am and the chipper usually eats its first meal around 9am.

I don’t ever hesitate to run saws at 8am. If we are starting the day off early or working on weekends we make sure to use the electric saws and hold off chipping till 9am if possible.

I’ve never had a complaint about noise in my 13 years in the industry.
Well that and then use the chipper for cleanup! Then you turn around and sell it as died mulch. It’s a win win
joel coen lol GIF by Maudit
I once went to meet a prospective client at one of his rental houses. I swear he had bought stand mounted lighting equipment so that a crew could work until 11pm replacing siding on a house that was occupied by a family with little kids. When I pulled up they were yelling at each other.

Mother renter: “That’s my 7 year old daughters bedroom window right there! They were here until 10:30 last night using air nailers!”

Owner: “It’s only going to be a couple more days! I have a daughter too!” (as if the latter sentence is somehow relevant?? I guess he was implying he wouldn’t hesitate to do this to his own daughter as well??)

I got the hell out of there.

Anyway, not apples to apples with the OP, but it shows the important difference between those who know they are potentially inconveniencing people with the work they have to do, and those a$$holes who either are oblivious or don’t care.
For those of you rooting against me and for the crop duster, I got an update for you.

At precisely 6:31am, he dropped down to right over my trees around my house, flipped around and did it again before leaving for somewhere else. Probably had his middle finger up while doing it. I was in the driveway on my way to work, wife still sleeping though.

Well played pilot, well played.
Or non resident banter. mtmuley
Wait wait wait.

That crop duster was a Non-Resident crop duster?

PHUCK him!

Charge him 2000% more for his spraying permit, only let him spray between 1 and 1:15 pm on Tuesdays and tie him to a chair and pin his eyes open as Buzz shows him 1980 photos of female koshia his buddy's gym partner's nephew killed with a hand sprayer.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

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