Caribou Gear Tarp

I may be getting old...

For those of you rooting against me and for the crop duster, I got an update for you.

At precisely 6:31am, he dropped down to right over my trees around my house, flipped around and did it again before leaving for somewhere else. Probably had his middle finger up while doing it. I was in the driveway on my way to work, wife still sleeping though.

Well played pilot, well played.

Nice to see there's some justice in the world. Depending on his level of pettiness that flight pattern over your house might be a part of his regular route.

Are there any more managers you can ask to speak to?
Nice to see there's some justice in the world. Depending on his level of pettiness that flight pattern over your house might be a part of his regular route.

Are there any more managers you can ask to speak to?
It was out of his way, he came in and then turned around and headed back and ended up in a field about 5 miles back from where he came from.

Why do I need to complain or speak to anyone? He was legit this time. Plus I never reached out to anyone or anything about the situation...they called me due to their client stepping in.
...because at 5:45am a crop duster decided to wake us up by hitting the field across the road and I couldn't be in a worse move. Even thoughts of "can I call the FAA to report a claim? Or would it be the county sheriff? Is this legal? He aimed his plane directly for my house and me as I stood and flipped him off - that isn't safe and I bet that's illegal.

Ugh, again feelings that I associate with old grumpy men.

What makes you feel old?
You're not wrong... it's annoying as all get out. As a fellow getting oldish guy I've talked to those pilots on fires. They're pretty easy to find. Clean jumpsuit, smoking a Cuban, wheelbarrow to carry those gigantic brass balls...

As they age those guys fly very early for a lot of reasons. Mainly being early morning hours are easy for us middle aged guys to see teeny tiny things like power lines. Old guys can get along. I have a feeling if you and his got to chatting you'd be good friends. I'm sure every time he pulled up he thought, "please don't be too loud.." then there you were in a bath robe flipping him off and he felt like shit...

That pilot would probably happily buy you a drink because he knows he put you out. Like us seeing a 200 inch deer at 2 minutes after legal shooting hours... we would all Crack a rifle and smooth things over later knowing it's our bad but with good reason.

I'd bet money if you showed up at the hanger with whiskey saying, "Can you take my wife flying, and never fly over my house that early? " he'd rival the best roller coaster she's ever been on to make it right.
No good reason for that.
I just realized I worded that wrong. 2 minutes after legal light as in. 2 minutes into the time it is legal to shoot. Very very A.M. most people still sleeping. And those of us who grew up in ag country were pretty close to houses where we hunted.
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Our back yard abuts a corn/soybean field. My kids love to watch the crop duster swoop a stones’ throw over our roof. Air show right to our home. Pilot gets five-finger waves and smiling little faces.

In the fall, combines usually run until midnight when the dew accumulates and they have to wait until 9 AM the next day to resume. They are loud, bright, and spew chaff in the air and cover our yard with corn leaves, which we rake into stacks and bag up.

If the early summer sprayer misses the edge of the field, roundup kills a foot or two of our grass.

Dry spring or fall, wind can whip up the field dust and coat our siding with a film.

We chose to live here with the 150-year-old farming operation as a neighbor. The owners live a mile down the road - nice folks. I’ve never asked to pheasant hunt, but if I did I doubt they’d say no.

“Make hay while the sun is shining.” In ag, profit margins can balance on hours of when the work is done. It’s not unusual to pull multiple consecutive 16-hour days to squeeze in the windows afforded by Mother Nature.

So do I like wearing earplugs and a sleep mask on harvest night, or a 5:30 AM alarm clock on Sunday crop dust morning? No. However, I am thankful for my cush job, and my back deck view where I can see for miles.
It was out of his way, he came in and then turned around and headed back and ended up in a field about 5 miles back from where he came from.

Why do I need to complain or speak to anyone? He was legit this time. Plus I never reached out to anyone or anything about the situation...they called me due to their client stepping in.
Jeez man, you act like he was spraying herbicides or something.
Aren't old people supposed to already be up at 6:30am? I haven't been able to sleep in past then in several decades.

I was tent camping at a KOA in the early 2000s, in June, somewhere in NE Wyoming (Buffalo? Sheridan? honestly don't remember) and a crop duster started flying over repetitively beginning at 5:30am, woke up the whole campground. I thought that was pretty bad. But 6:30...honestly doesn't seem that early to me especially in the summer.

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