I may be getting old...

How long have you lived there? Is this a new farm practice? When I was a kid on the Palouse you knew it was going to be a pretty summer day because you were woken early by crop dusters. They spray early to limit drift. Still makes me nostalgic. Lots of folks move to the country thinking it's all peace and quiet but then there's dust and stink and animals and chemicals and facts o' farm life. I'm hoping you and the crop dusting company can talk it out and find some kind of compromise. I thought the response was a cool-headed answer to a middle finger.
I have lived here for over a decade and yes, crop dusters are the normal all throughout summer. See them almost every single day from late May through August. Don't have a problem with them and it is certainly impressive what they do. However, never have I seen/heard one flying at 5:45am.
I have lived here for over a decade and yes, crop dusters are the normal all throughout summer. See them almost every single day from late May through August. Don't have a problem with them and it is certainly impressive what they do. However, never have I seen/heard one flying at 5:45am.
I have lived here for 32 yrs, 6 months and 11 days. I can tell you for sure that crop dusters were all but nonexistent even 20 yrs ago. Now they fly earlier and earlier in the growing season. Only in the last few years have they been flying before the canopy closes. This early summer work was always done with tractors and sprayers, not planes.
It ain't grandpa's farmland anymore. Lots of people live there because farmers sell land to make money. So, if they want to bitch, they have only themselves to blame. In the meantime, where there is lots of work to do, there will be fields further from homes they could start on in a given day.
I did look it up and there is indeed a noise ordinance from 9:30pm until 6:30am and low flying airplanes are noted on the list. I was not out of line. He legally can't be operating for his job until 6:30am
They probably have legit reasons to start as early as possible, less chance of drift if the wind is slated to pick up later in the day. Still worth complaining about...

What makes you feel old?
There is a demarcation point in my life when I went from loving the 4th of July and the friends, brews, barbecues, and fireworks displays to hating the holiday and the weeks before and after. The moment of change was when I had an infant that went to bed at 7:30pm. It seems to have evolved to where now I want to go to bed at 7:30.
There is a demarcation point in my life when I went from loving the 4th of July and the friends, brews, barbecues, and fireworks displays to hating the holiday and the weeks before and after. The moment of change was when I had an infant that went to bed at 7:30pm. It seems to have evolved to where now I want to go to bed at 7:30.
I have a couple neighbors that seem to have an endless supply of fireworks from July through October. They shoot them off every weekend while we're trying to go to bed! Kind of annoying sometimes.
I can understand tho OP point of view but come on man. If this is the first time this has happened let it go. I’m fairly certain at some point in your life you have done something or something was done on your behalf that annoyed or inconvenienced somebody else.
His boss just called me to apologize and mentioned that they know the rules and he shouldn't have been flying that early.
Why is AG the only industry where breaking the rules and being an inconsiderate commercial neighbor is acceptable to people?

OP didn't exactly go about this the most friendly way possible. However, I doubt there'd be this much sympathy towards a construction operation, oil and gas work, pipeline, or highway crew operating outside of regulated hours. Just a thought.
There is a demarcation point in my life when I went from loving the 4th of July and the friends, brews, barbecues, and fireworks displays to hating the holiday and the weeks before and after. The moment of change was when I had an infant that went to bed at 7:30pm. It seems to have evolved to where now I want to go to bed at 7:30.
My kids grew up close enough to a military reservation to feel the house shake at times. Its the dogs that drive us nuts--one departed female was the worst. Loud bangs to her meant there were birds to be found and retrieved and she wanted out of the house to find them NOW.
A real old man move would have been to have only your tidy whiteys on, or an open robe, while flashing the bird.

Well, we don't know that he wasn't. Perhaps that is why he got the call back.

Interesting that the boss could come up with the OP's phone number.

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