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HTer Goals '25 Edition

Oh boy! Found out I'm still pretty squishy. Got through the first 15 minutes of the lower body workout program and had to stop. Supposed to keep the rpm at 65 and by that point my knee had lost all strength and was just along for the ride. No pain but it just didn't have anything there. Guess I need to go slower for now.

That sounds like you kicked a$$. Slow steady growth for the win. Be patient with yourself buddy. Post knee surgery I started at 0 resistance for just a couple of minutes. It’ll come.
Oh boy! Found out I'm still pretty squishy. Got through the first 15 minutes of the lower body workout program and had to stop. Supposed to keep the rpm at 65 and by that point my knee had lost all strength and was just along for the ride. No pain but it just didn't have anything there. Guess I need to go slower for now.
Take it easy it’s not a race, it’s an adventure.
Got to pay attention to where I am posting. This was over in the '24 thread.

I have NEVER been a gym rat or like working out my entire life. I joked about turning 16 and driving to the bathroom. I am staring down the barrel of 60, an ex-smoker by 8 months and pushing 300 pounds. Started last week with my goals for 2025 but today is day 1 of my "Sheep Shape" year. Have a spread sheet that I will update daily with accomplishments so when I die of a heart attack the coroner may know why LOL!

Nutrition goals: We eat pretty clean (we grow a lot of our own food) but I have an affinity for chips and cookies. 2025 is a no chip and maybe a couple cookie year. Focused on tons of veggies and smaller meals with fruit or veggie snacks 3 times a day. Have tons of organic pork to eat through as well as a bunch of chicken we need to eat.

Started a breakfast routine (I never ate breakfast before) of overnight oats. 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup of milk, 1/4 cup non-fat plain Greek yogurt, 2-Tbsp of raisins and 1-Tbsp of honey. Sits in the fridge overnight and in the morning it gets 2-Tbsp of slivered almonds. Good stuff!

Part of sharing this with all of you is to document the journey for myself as well as encourage others who need that fat guy in the gym to keep you motivated. Here's to all of us looking to improve ourselves in some way throughout 2025. I hope we look back in 12 months in amazement.
Welcome to the 2nd Friday in January which if the commercial is true, is quitters day. Keep the dream alive, get out there and ride the lightning! (I nicknamed our elliptical lightning)
Short term goal. Lose the 10 lbs I put on over holidays. ( 7 out of 10 gone since Jan 1. )
Long term goal be in as good shape as ever by fall. Plan to do a good deal of running and hiking with weight over the spring and summer.
Short term goal. Lose the 10 lbs I put on over holidays. ( 7 out of 10 gone since Jan 1. )
Long term goal be in as good shape as ever by fall. Plan to do a good deal of running and hiking with weight over the spring and summer.
I wear 31 waist and before the holidays I used a belt. Now I can barely button em. I think that's a sign.
My goal for this year is to:
1) Get my daughter to harvest her first deer
2) Build points in CO and WY for elk, deer
3) Cut about 10 lbs just to be a little lighter/easier on the joints as I get older
4) Hike 200 miles between general hiking/hunting
5) Spend at least 20 nights camping during the year not only just summer months but during the cold months as well
Anyone doing MntTough and tried the January challenge the 770? Not 1 single thing fun about that one. 1hr 24min for me and had to basically crawl down the stairs from the gym after it.
-Keep my 4-month streak of daily workouts going
-Keep the 20 lbs off that I lost during that time
-Keep building muscle. I’m as strong as I’ve ever been at 41. I went from M to L shirts.
-Keep at the rowing machine. Within the last 2 weeks I’ve got to where I can do a sustained workout at the top resistance setting.
-Rock my spring bear hunt