Weight Loss Drugs

Plenty of online places that will give you a telehealth meeting with a practitioner followed by sending you the compounded drug for decent prices. 200 every 6 ish weeks
I tried going that route, but that cost is just for access. Once you pay access, then you need pay the cost of the drug which ended up being the same as buying it without insurance. After I checked a few places, my feeds got loaded with these ads.

If you have one you use or know of, will you please pm me the cost of access + cost of the shots?
Most will charge a monthly subscription and then a drug price of about 200-300 per month. So not much different then no insurance. We have a Pharmacy in Cheyenne that will do it for 200 shipped to your door. 400 for Tirzipitide. The pharmacist tells us that each vial should last patients 6 weeks depending on dosage. If you are local to Cheyenne then no shipping is 180 for Semaglutide. But you do still need a doc to send the prescription.
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One caveat is that the compounded drugs have not been tested for safety or efficacy. You might look into that.

I do have a friend on branded semaglutide who is doing well after serious dieting for years.
Train for elk season year around. Even if the season just ended in the grand scheme of life the “next elk season” is just around the next bend in the trail.
The thing that has helped me with over eating and eating to much crap is looking at food as strictly fuel for my body. It does not have to be the best tasting thing in the world every time just quality. It also helps if I do a bit of food prep on Sunday, make a healthy lunch for the week and prep some veggies as well so everything is easy to eat the good stuff. Also don’t look at it as a diet, diet is short term and ends, it’s a lifestyle change. Not sure if you drink alcohol but that is the lowest hanging fruit to cut out and reduce calories. Only shop on the perimeter of the grocery store, that’s mostly the whole foods, the center contains all the crap. Lastly I allow myself to have a little fun on the weekends and enjoy food.

A quote from the book Comfort Crisis that sticks with me is “eat like an adult”. Good book if you haven’t read it.
Started at 279, current weight is 235. As a person that has struggled with weight loss for my entire life, this drug has been a great tool.
It was for my friend as well. And I've spent lots of time with her on the road; she eats tiny portions of good food and still never lost an ounce.

My wife eats like a horse (she's not on here lol) and hasn't gained an ounce in 46 years. Still slim.

People are different. Nothing is as simple as it seems.
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