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The limits of the 2nd Amendment

They can take his hunting rifles away, but a little less than half of America will still vote to give him the nuclear codes; and if the electoral college cards fall right for him again, he'll win.

What a country!

Back to the young Mr. Biden, interesting jury pool. Speculating about what they might do is a fool's errand, but it is very interesting how many of his peers know or have known someone with a substance abuse issue. It says a lot about that part of the world.
It will be funny when judge Merchan and his daughter are forced to flee prosecution this fall. Interesting times and all that.
It will be funny when judge Merchan and his daughter are forced to flee prosecution this fall. Interesting times and all that.
Now now, their sole purpose is make sure this kind of shady chit never ever threatens the pristine altruistic sanctity of NY's not selective nor party orchestrated.:cool:
I’m happy about this and especially that there was no plea deal or interference from other Federal branches. Checks and balances. Impartial interpretation of the law. Justice for all. Good on ya, Federal government.
It will be funny when judge Merchan and his daughter are forced to flee prosecution this fall. Interesting times and all that.
It will be sad...
This isnt the same as the burisma/ukraine/corruption issues - which is what the striking difference is. I dont see this as 2 good convictions (trump/biden) it is a false equivalency.

I would find a lot more confidence if Trump and Joe Biden were both convicted on classified information violations and Hunter/Joe were on trial for corruption in Ukraine.

Trump would pardon his kin for anything and everything though (justified or not)- the writer is correct about that.
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And the fact that there is some range of allowable regulation of every single enumerated right in the constitution, and this has been consistently true for 225 years, this is a bit of a ho-hum outcome.
Agree. Just thought we could close this chapter given some of the bat guano takes on this case. How this even made it to SCOTUS is perplexing. All we did with this decision is confirm who the "nut" was that Scalia was referencing.
How this even made it to SCOTUS is perplexing.
The 5th circuit is becoming the new 9th circuit. Extreme takes, constantly daring SCOTUS to rein them in.

If they hadn’t taken the case, domestic violence disqualification of gun possession would have ceased to exist in TX, LA & MS.
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