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A "common sense" proposal that will piss off both sides

Anybody seeing what @ElkFever2 posted and not in full favor or is there just not enough feel good bs in it?

I think the first provision “all places all times” is probably a non-starter and I assuming he meant all public places. Private property rights are what they are…

But to the general point I think concealed carry makes way more sense than open carry in the context of 2022.
But to the general point I think concealed carry makes way more sense than open carry in the context of 2022.

I think carry is carry. I don't want to be law abiding if my wind breaker stays zipped and a felon if I forget to zip it getting out of the truck and some nervous nellie sees it and call the cops. I can either legally carry my firearm or I can't - I am not dancing with a felony based on the fit of my outerwear. (and yes, in some places my hypothetical is a real thing - bizarre)
I think carry is carry. I don't want to be law abiding if my wind breaker stays zipped and a felon if I forget to zip it getting out of the truck and some nervous nellie sees it and call the cops. I can either legally carry my firearm or I can't - I am not dancing with a felony based on the fit of my outerwear. (and yes, in some places my hypothetical is a real thing - bizarre)
This was one of the primary arguments for open carry in TX. We already had provisions for incidental exposure, but a lack of trust in DAs that were publicly anti-carry was a major issue leading to our acceptance of open carry.

I think the first provision “all places all times” is probably a non-starter and I assuming he meant all public places. Private property rights are what they are…

But to the general point I think concealed carry makes way more sense than open carry in the context of 2022.
How about “carry” is allowed anywhere the government requires someone to be. Alternatives to allowing carry would include a secure perimeter w/ metal detectors (such as a courthouse), or the presence of armed security.

Realty proprietors already have the right to restrict entry to anyone they choose, so that could include anyone in possession of a firearm.
I think carry is carry. I don't want to be law abiding if my wind breaker stays zipped and a felon if I forget to zip it getting out of the truck and some nervous nellie sees it and call the cops. I can either legally carry my firearm or I can't - I am not dancing with a felony based on the fit of my outerwear. (and yes, in some places my hypothetical is a real thing - bizarre)
I agree, I was coming more from the context of western states where you can open carry but need a permit for concealed carry. In wester slope Colorado for instance you could get in hot water for having a jacket that's a bit long and covers your firearm.

I know a bunch of ranchers that call them coat permits for this reason.
How about “carry” is allowed anywhere the government requires someone to be. Alternatives to allowing carry would include a secure perimeter w/ metal detectors (such as a courthouse), or the presence of armed security.

Realty proprietors already have the right to restrict entry to anyone they choose, so that could include anyone in possession of a firearm.
I think it's pretty clear in the constitution that the intention was for states to have a lot of autonomy and differing laws. In general I think this is a good thing as it allows different "cultures" to coexist in the US.

That said there are a number of provisions that basically make sure one's states laws aren't interfering with another's, (broad brush here)

Therefore I think we need to decouple certain types of laws in order to allow for regional differences.

Open carry/concealed carry I think that should be up to the states, even to the extent that it's up to the state to allow differing rules in various jurisdictions. If Boulder CO doesn't want open carry and the state of CO thinks that's ok, that's fine in my book... same with the opposite.

I do think national rules outlined by @VikingsGuy make a lot of sense.

While I like these provisions, I think these are probably non-starters...

  • Federal pre-emption for all licensing, permitting, safety and other regulation of firearms

  • No state/local/federal firearm registration database
  • A national carry permit (not just concealed) - basic training class + simple range test + background check - renewed every 10 years - this would be offered in addition to whatever state permits are provided


Well Massachusetts still isn't a member of the Interstate Wildlife compact, and MA, CA, NY, etc all have onerous gun permit rules they refuse to consider reciprocity.

Some states just hate playing ball even if it's a good idea.
speaking of proposals that will piss off both sides

The house passed "protecting the kids" but is said to be dead on arrival in the Senate

The Senate seems to have support from both sides of th aisle, for their new bill, but can it pass in the House

Do you like either one of these proposals ?
speaking of proposals that will piss off both sides

The house passed "protecting the kids" but is said to be dead on arrival in the Senate

The Senate seems to have support from both sides of th aisle, for their new bill, but can it pass in the House

Do you like either one of these proposals ?

House Bill

Senate bill isn't drafted yet... but here is the agreed to frame work... (apparently)
This is a complicated issue, given today's ill's of our society,
Things will not get better until the hearts of Americans change & that respect for human life is taught & revered by all.
My generation learned that in Sunday School & the previous generation when high schooler's drove their pick ups around with
rifles in their gun racks.
That said I refuse to be a victim of Evil & will do what it takes to protect my family & loved ones.
Another Gun law further restricting my right to do so is a complete violation of not just the 2A Right,
but a basic moral principal as well.
There are thousands of laws on the books already, they do not work for law abiding citizens, only for the criminals.
Educate yourself, Arm yourself.....Refuse to be a victim.

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