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The best laid palns of mice and men are still subject to divine intervention......2024 edition

The day was pretty steady considering it is post rut. Ended the day with +-15 does and 3-4 (one might have been the same cycling around). Only one of the bucks was an 8 and he was a small basket rack. Reasonable amount of shots with a lull on the middle of the day. A few shots that were so close they MUST have been right on the property line. Now that we are part opening day I will consider does.... dinks get a pass completely from me.
Today was cool, windy, and overcast ....good day to be in a box blind. Had my leftover steak for lunch and was petty bored.... the weather was such that I was backing on dinner time s there is a cut crop field directly beside me I was hoping they would head to. Just before 1600 a doe fawn appears out of nowhere to my leftat about 20 yds....she was followed by 2 more and a yearling doe. They milled around in the pocket good plot for about 25 minutes before loafing into the field. I was hoping for larger companions, but no dice. Here is the kind of range they were at....I'm including pics from the dinner I mentioned previously as a bonus. 😉 (pics aren't wanting to load, you'll get them tomorrow)

As an aside, CPO is hunting Korys place and used all his tags on 2 doe fawn/yearlings and a button buck.....I don't know what that is all about, but at this point "not my circus, not my monkeys" is the sentiment of the day.


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Today weather was absolute shit. Cold and pissing rain. 10 degrees cooler would have been awesome and snowy. So we buggered off to the cheese factory and now a bar 😉
No climbing on the cow? I thought was America?
Ok, sorry for the delay. It was a hurried last day in the end for sure. It started out badly. I walk all the way to the stand...only to realize that I had forgotten my tripod ( the blind I was in has weirdly low window frames-so no place to use as a rest). I go get it and not 30 minutes after I get settled I get a call. I had parked my truck where we always do at Dr Josh the Chiro's place and overnight he had parked one of his vehicles in a stall of that garage. Soooooo, off I go again to move my truck. Finally settled in, the, day was a slow and long one. The stand had shown itself to be an afternoon place, so no surprise. Around 1530 a yearling doe sneaks out of some tall grass in front of me about 100 yds away and is walking directly toward me. She enters the food plot for several minutes and then starts drifiting toward the alfalfa field to my right about 30 yds (which is off this property). She was too small to take for sure. When she gets to the edge she stops and looks around before heading out. As I turn back to my left I notice a buck had eased up from the creek bottom and into the food plot from the other side. This is the guy I had seen and passed on opening day. I was texting with Kevin back and forth and told him I was going to let him go.....he texted back "SHOOT!!" At this point I knew I couldn't take the meat myself so it would be going to Kevin's daughter and her fiance (he hadn't been able to connect yet this year) and this guy would be bigger than a doe. Sooooo, I grab the Weatherby and ease around to try and get an angle. I literally had to lean out the window. I did, I squeezed, he mule kicked and I watched him circle down hill about 30 yds and crash. Like that, my big game season was done. I love the Weatherby, I must say. I got him field dressed, we took him out of the field, and headed home. I had to get cleaned up, had a bite to eat, profusely thanked my wonderful hosts and then hit the road. I made it to Tama, Iowa before crashing. Here are some pics from the day


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That's a great season.
It has been awfully good. 5 animals shot at, 5 in the freezer. The 2 deer that came home with me will be processed and given away (the wife is not a big fan)....so some will be made into jerky (my daughter promised her roommate at college some) and the rest will be ground up and given to the Vets in my wife's court program that temporarily are without their rights to hunt.
Wife is almost home from TN with the daughter for Christmas. She will be headed to London for next semester to study/intern. I took today to start marinating what I am making jerky out of and ground the rest. HOLY SMOKES the new 1 HP double grind is ridiculously fast and grounds FINE. It literally filled and entire large meat lug in probably 2-3 minutes....and the only reason it took that long was me trying to shove meat to the hole while using the foot pedal. Packaged the grind into +- 2lb packs to be given away. Making 2 types of jerky this go round.....a spicy garlic teriyaki and a Jim Beam and apple cider. we will see how they turned out.

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