HTer Goals '25 Edition

- I will lose 15 more pounds. I lost 35 last year post surgeries. I’m at about 240 now.
- I will strengthen my core and maintain muscle mass.
- Kill an elk.
- Have awesome adventures with my bro.

- I will spin hard or send it mountain biking 3 to 4 days a week.
- I will do yoga the other 3 to 4 days a week.
- I will have my hopefully last surgery for a minute to clean out bone chunks and cartilage from my right elbow next month.
- The big one… drink less… damn it’s good though.
2025 Goals are all new to me this year. My wife and I are having our first child in June, so there’s a list of goals that come with that ranging from not dropping her to just helping my wife anyway I can. Right after that in September I’m getting out of the military and starting a new career. So a big goal there is just making that transition as smooth as possible and keep those paychecks coming in. Between moving, a new baby, and a new career I don’t foresee much hunting in 2025 but if I get just a couple days out I’ll be more than happy.

I see a lot of fitness goals in the thread, I’ve ran 4 ultra marathons in the past year and a half and have a 100 miler in April, and love training in general. Feel free to DM me if anyone needs some training programs, from general fitness to specific performance goals. I’d love to help. Good luck to everyone with all your goals!
This fall was was tough. I was actually on a decent track for fitness this year and then I got plantar fasciitis in May which really sent my leg workouts off the rails, I thought I'd still be ok for the hunt but my legs just plain sucked this fall. Also, I was planning to kill a bull with my bow since I had a great elk tag, but then I broke my wrist in August and had to shelf that plan too and take the rifle...all that being said, 2025 is going to be a better leg workout year, and a bowhunting year!
Been a goal almost every year. But I also don't take it too hard when I fail, your mental health is just as important as your physical health.
You'd be amazed how much better your mental health is after a while. That's coming from someone who can't quit either. So yes plenty of irony there.
You'd be amazed how much better your mental health is after a while. That's coming from someone who can't quit either. So yes plenty of irony there.
I've gone cold turkey before, twice for a full year, I was not happier. My wife asked me to start drinking the second time during the holidays (with her family).
I have the North American tree climbing championships in Texas in March and am shooting for the top 10 which will require a fair amount of training. I will also have the Rocky Mountain Tree Climbing Championships in July and my goal is to win for the third year in a row. If I win my hunting season in the West will be shot because I will travel to NZ to compete in the International Tree Climbing Championships mid October and stretch out the trip for some hunts. Have to win before I can plan those though.
2025 goals are more or less the same as previous years.

Keep hitting the gym on a regular basis. I have two wrist surgeries, January and March, so doing physio/exercises will be important so that I'm gtg for fall 2025. I'm hoping it doesn't interfere too much with my archery season or spring bear...
In 25 I will be rehabbing my shoulder . I completely tore two tendons off and ripped a third . Surgery is 1 30 25 followed by 6 months of rehab . Also in august I got sick , something that lasted , maybe Colitis , and I lost thirty lbs . Just now feeling better , but I went from 5'11" 235 to 200 and lost all strength or endurance .
So , my 25 goal is to keep my weight off and work on cardio training .
Before I injured my shoulder my plan was to drive to Alaska and spend some time there , Moose hunt , maybe Caribou , but now I might not be able to go .
I'm 66 next month , and I work for myself , remodelling homes , kitchens and bath , to pay for my hunting . I have jobs lined up but not being able to work will put a monkey wrench in my plans .
Sucks setting around .