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Haaland nominated to lead Interior

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Certainly the congressional work is helpful, but few of her law school classes would be helpful (certainly not the 1L classes), and if the number of congressmen and congresswomen with a JD is any indicator (168 reps and 57 senators), lawyers don’t always do a great job running the country!
I was more pointing out her particular legal focus, and it’s relevance to overseeing BIA.
I am concerned when Alexandria - Ocasio Cortez calls Rep. Haaland "unequivocally progressive" and a champion of the Green New Deal. She is also on record supporting the ban on sales of "assault weapons". On the other hand, I am hoping her heritage will influence her focus to protect our lands, and promote the use of those lands to include hunting and trapping. Let's give her a chance. Offer suggestions where needed, and support when she heads in the right direction.
You would think this would be good news for the protection of the Boundary Waters and the Arctic Refuge. I share the concerns about renewable energy development on public lands.........

I wonder what kind of relationship she has with Martin Henrich? He always seems to be a champion for the public land hunter and our causes
Sounds real similar to orchards around here. People seem to support them over homes, but I know the deer eat my roses but the orchards are fenced and sprayed to exclude any life that isn't directly necessary for a cherry/apple/pear.
Pretty much describes the pine plantation down here once they hit them with the helicopter sprayer at age 15....

Great references. Like so many before her, I don’t think she will do EVERYTHING hunters and anglers will want, but I also don’t think she will be inherently opposed to our interests. The proof will be in the pudding.
I was more pointing out her particular legal focus, and it’s relevance to overseeing BIA.


There will be a large focus in renewable energy development, climate change & environmental justice within the conservation arm of the Biden administration. A first nations lawyer with relevant experience makes sense as the pick, especially with significant support from the conservation & environmental community. His EPA pick, as well as the head of CEQ all have those focuses.

Hopefully restoration of public land plays as much of a role in this administration as the other equally important issues that are being placed front & center. Given what I've heard from folks working with the transition team, I think there will be a lot of good things coming forward.

The Sec of Int has nothing to do with firearms. Her views on that are not germaine to the position.
I was more pointing out her particular legal focus, and it’s relevance to overseeing BIA.
Yes, in that context it will be helpful, especially given the context of her congressional work.
maybe, unless they start mandating what type of firearm you are allowed to use on public lands.

Possibly, but that is primarily the role of the state & not the fed, especially as it relates to hunting. We may see a ban in things like tannerite, but given how many fires that starts, I'm good with that.

An order declaring certain weapons as unusable would be litigated, and I don't think it would stand. Given the mess they have to clean up, I also don't think this is high in anyone's list of windmills to tilt at (pun intended). :)
And what experience did our President have?
We made it(barely) through the last four years, I think we can handle some fresh blood in just about any political position.
And he did a pretty good job! I think if people would let go of the hate, they would see lots that our president has done good for our country, and other countries as well. So, give this person a chance, an opportunity to succeed. She may surprise everyone. But then again, some people just cant look beyond their emotions. :unsure:

There will be a large focus in renewable energy development, climate change & environmental justice within the conservation arm of the Biden administration. A first nations lawyer with relevant experience makes sense as the pick, especially with significant support from the conservation & environmental community. His EPA pick, as well as the head of CEQ all have those focuses.

Hopefully restoration of public land plays as much of a role in this administration as the other equally important issues that are being placed front & center. Given what I've heard from folks working with the transition team, I think there will be a lot of good things coming forward.

The Sec of Int has nothing to do with firearms. Her views on that are not germaine to the position.
I would certainly differ with her on many issues but on Sec of Interior issues. I’m probably more in line with her than others. She should at least be in favor of protecting public lands and not selling them off to the states so that is good. I’ll choose to be optimistic but ready to call and voice my opinion when needed.
The 'strategery' of Ms. Haaland's appointment is above the Pres Elect's pay grade. NM has ample time to hold a special election, she ticks the right boxes on the ticket's dance card, and regardless of her pedigree, she will do what She and Joe's bosses bid. I'm genuinely wishing this administration well, they'll need it with the mess both parties have created with the last 3 oval office inhabitants & attendant congressional furniture hacks. And please let Pres Biden's health hold...
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And there are too many places and geographic features that have names that are racial slurs or derogatory terms, which make visitors uncomfortable and discourage them from enjoying the outdoors. My Reconciliation in Place Names Act would expedite the cumbersome process we have for renaming places and create a body to recommend places to be renamed.

Ohhh boy... Might as well call each DOI parcel of land - A, B, C, D... versus Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Lincoln Memorial, Robert E. Lee... How far is tooooooo far? To what extent do feeler's exceed common sense with reflections upon our history? No need to answer - we have our share of feeler's here who would call blasphemy for such a query.
Ohhh boy... Might as well call each DOI parcel of land - A, B, C, D... versus Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Lincoln Memorial, Robert E. Lee... How far is tooooooo far? To what extent do feeler's exceed common sense with reflections upon our history? No need to answer - we have our share of feeler's here who would call blasphemy for such a query.

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