Haaland nominated to lead Interior

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I saw an “influencer” on Instagram say she is a great pick because she is female and Native American, no other reasons given for why it’s a great choice...
Sounds real similar to orchards around here. People seem to support them over homes, but I know the deer eat my roses but the orchards are fenced and sprayed to exclude any life that isn't directly necessary for a cherry/apple/pear.

My first elk hunts with my Dad in the late 80's was south of Wenatchee up toward Beehive and Jumpoff running elk out of orchards. WDFW worked like hell to kill the Colockum herd from both the Wenatchee and Ellensburg side.

As for Haaland seems like a reasonable choice, we shall see.
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My first elk hunts with my Dad in the late 80's was south of Wenatchee up toward Beehive and Jumpoff running elk out of orchards. WDFW worked like hell to kill the Colockum herd from both the Wenatchee and Ellensburg side.
Some things don't change.
Total newbie on HT so I’m not sure how the political discussions go on this forum. Such as can a member be banned for telling the truth or expressing his or her opinions. So here goes. I’m very surprised to see the positive reactions to this pick. Our future president (makes me puke in my mouth a little to even type those words) is a gun grabbing, big government, baby killing, senile, America hating, stooge. Anyone seriously think he’ll do anything that is in the best interest of hunters, fishermen, or gun owners? Anyone think anyone he appoints will be good for those I listed? Demonrats want to destroy our freedoms, turn this country into a 3rd world crap hole where we’re all dependent on the government for everything we have. We went from a President who’s son likes to hunt, fish, and shoot to a drooling puppet who likes to touch and smell young girls. Somehow I don’t think Hiden Biden or anyone he appoints to anything will be good for sportsmen or hard working Americans in any way. Just wait til he puts Beto in charge of something.
Total newbie on HT so I’m not sure how the political discussions go on this forum. Such as can a member be banned for telling the truth or expressing his or her opinions. So here goes. I’m very surprised to see the positive reactions to this pick. Our future president (makes me puke in my mouth a little to even type those words) is a gun grabbing, big government, baby killing, senile, America hating, stooge. Anyone seriously think he’ll do anything that is in the best interest of hunters, fishermen, or gun owners? Anyone think anyone he appoints will be good for those I listed? Demonrats want to destroy our freedoms, turn this country into a 3rd world crap hole where we’re all dependent on the government for everything we have. We went from a President who’s son likes to hunt, fish, and shoot to a drooling puppet who likes to touch and smell young girls. Somehow I don’t think Hiden Biden or anyone he appoints to anything will be good for sportsmen or hard working Americans in any way. Just wait til he puts Beto in charge of something.

yea man....take it easy. This is about the secretary of interior and whether she will be good, bad, indifferent to public lands, conservation, hunting, fishing. Save your opinions on abortion, welfare, etc for elsewhere
Total newbie on HT so I’m not sure how the political discussions go on this forum. Such as can a member be banned for telling the truth or expressing his or her opinions. So here goes. I’m very surprised to see the positive reactions to this pick. Our future president (makes me puke in my mouth a little to even type those words) is a gun grabbing, big government, baby killing, senile, America hating, stooge. Anyone seriously think he’ll do anything that is in the best interest of hunters, fishermen, or gun owners? Anyone think anyone he appoints will be good for those I listed? Demonrats want to destroy our freedoms, turn this country into a 3rd world crap hole where we’re all dependent on the government for everything we have. We went from a President who’s son likes to hunt, fish, and shoot to a drooling puppet who likes to touch and smell young girls. Somehow I don’t think Hiden Biden or anyone he appoints to anything will be good for sportsmen or hard working Americans in any way. Just wait til he puts Beto in charge of something.

I'd start packing my bags.
Your standing in the middle of a lake on very, very, thin ice. If that is your only post along those lines you are probably safe. If it becomes a trend or you cross the line (might have) you will be gone.
Like never to return gone or time out gone?
Total newbie on HT so I’m not sure how the political discussions go on this forum. Such as can a member be banned for telling the truth or expressing his or her opinions. So here goes. I’m very surprised to see the positive reactions to this pick. Our future president (makes me puke in my mouth a little to even type those words) is a gun grabbing, big government, baby killing, senile, America hating, stooge. Anyone seriously think he’ll do anything that is in the best interest of hunters, fishermen, or gun owners? Anyone think anyone he appoints will be good for those I listed? Demonrats want to destroy our freedoms, turn this country into a 3rd world crap hole where we’re all dependent on the government for everything we have. We went from a President who’s son likes to hunt, fish, and shoot to a drooling puppet who likes to touch and smell young girls. Somehow I don’t think Hiden Biden or anyone he appoints to anything will be good for sportsmen or hard working Americans in any way. Just wait til he puts Beto in charge of somethi
I’ve yet to see big fin ban anyone for respectful discourse, presenting facts, or asking thoughtful questions.

Differences of opinions are common, and you are certainly allowed and encouraged to share your opinion in a respectful manner on topics such as public lands/hunting/fishing etc.

Part of respectful conversation is understanding that others may feel differently about topics and therefore phrasing your posts so as not to be offensive to someone with a different opinion.

Many on the forum voted for Biden many for Trump, no one cares who you voted for or how you feel about the person, critique policy and decisions.
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Anyone seriously think he’ll do anything that is in the best interest of hunters, fishermen, or gun owners?
Intentionally? No, of course not.
Biden is not going to nominate anybody with his intention being that he’s doing it to benefit hunters, but it’s possible that hunters can see indirect benefits from an interior secretary even if she isn’t real strong on hunting, kind of like how we saw some indirect negatives from Trump’s interior appointees, although they are hunters themselves.

I don’t disagree with much of what you said, by the way, but keep in mind this is a public land hunting forum, not the Breitbart comment section.
I’ve yet to see big fin ban anyone for respectful discourse, presenting facts, or asking thoughtful questions.

Differences of opinions are common, and you are certainly allowed and encouraged to share your opinion in a respectful manner on topics such as public lands/hunting/fishing etc.

Part of respectful conversation is understanding that others may feel differently about topics and phrasing your posts so as not to be offensive to someone with a different opinion.

Many on the forum voted for Biden many for trump, no one cares who you voted for or how you feel about the person, critique policy and decisions.
Thanks. Appreciate your reply.
Looks like she has a JD in Indian law and spent her brief term in Congress on committees with relevance to the dept of interior. I wouldn’t say she has a great depth of experience, but all of her educational and political experience is relevant.
Certainly the congressional work is helpful, but few of her law school classes would be helpful (certainly not the 1L classes), and if the number of congressmen and congresswomen with a JD is any indicator (168 reps and 57 senators), lawyers don’t always do a great job running the country!
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