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Haaland nominated to lead Interior

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Some real insightful commentary and some alternative as well. I live in her district and can tell you all that she’s not destroyed anything here. For anyone fearful of restrictions put on oil/gas exploration, please be aware that NM derives a HUGE % of revenue from that. Randy noted that DOI covers BIA and so it is quite fitting to put a card-carrying BIA in charge of affairs. On that, “Indian” matters, let’s get more precise. Haaland is Laguna Pueblo. Like, no, Haaland cannot speak in Cherokee and her grandfather was not a code talker. Still native, but puebloan. I can tell you firsthand, the Lagunas cook a helluva cheeseburger. Please, nobody pass judgement on Haaland before she has a chance to try.
how much jurisdiction does the DOI have over legal methods of take when it comes to animals not managed by DOI?

if i was a smart and confident person i'd say that was a rhetorical question.....

but i'm not
It will be interesting to watch - while furbearers and other wildlife are held in trust by State's for their citizens - (and thus managed by state wildlife agencies) the jurisdiction DoI would have involves what activities they allow on federal lands they manage...i.e., could she put a moratorium on any traps/trapping on said lands? I think she/DoI could if they are so inclined.
I've met her twice now. Seems very competent & informed on issues we discussed.
I'll support her. Yeah she might be what some would say more left on some issues.
Bet dollars to doughnuts she does not talk of selling our Public Lands. Bet she does more to save it some for our future.Bet she knows more than I do about NM lands.
What do I know? Never been nuch of a gambler.

Encouraging to hear some first hand accounts, apposed to the usual speculative injected partisan rancor.
Cabinet appointees are all about enabling political agendas, not qualifications. One good thing is that Interior is now likely to relist wolves, which will throw a wrench in the cogs of the awful Colorado wolf-forcing initiative that divided the state right down the middle.
Like the political agenda of appointing someone to the head of the BLM that feels public lands should be deposed of. Got ya.
That was one appointment who conflicted with Trump's stated position on not selling or transferring public lands. Once in, he put his personal feelings aside and followed Trump's agenda.
She is no different than all the other inexperienced liberals in this country in positions they shouldn’t be in but in today’s PC climate America doesn’t require anyone anymore to come up to its standards, America will come down to yours. What a joke. Hey, she is from New Mexico and the politicians of this state have NM at the bottom of, health, business etc...NM is at the top in crime, auto theft and violent crime...A liberal run state and PC all the way and she is one of them, a ABQ liberal.
She is no different than all the other inexperienced liberals in this country in positions they shouldn’t be in but in today’s PC climate America doesn’t require anyone anymore to come up to its standards, America will come down to yours. What a joke. Hey, she is from New Mexico and the politicians of this state have NM at the bottom of, health, business etc...NM is at the top in crime, auto theft and violent crime...A liberal run state and PC all the way and she is one of them, a ABQ liberal.
That moment when you uncover someone you've ignored...

Cabinet appointees are all about enabling political agendas, not qualifications. One good thing is that Interior is now likely to relist wolves, which will throw a wrench in the cogs of the awful Colorado wolf-forcing initiative that divided the state right down the middle.

relisting wolves - assuming the delisting would ever have made it - only adds red tape and cost to an inevitable process

really doesn't matter either way honestly, colorado will manage them as endangered regardless of how the feds view them.
I see this thread is about to go off the rails. Might want to reel it in folks. For the new people here, if you can't have a discussion with tags, labels, and lumping everyone into convenient categories, you will likely not last long here.

We discuss some rather heated topics here, as that is the nature of how public land policy has become in the last two decades. But, we do it in a manner that is worth the time to engage, not a bunch of name calling and political hacking. Well, sometimes that happens, but those folks are the ones who end up with their accounts deleted.

I know some forums are all out mud wrestling on these topics. Not gonna happen here. These topics and the debate on such is valuable and I'm not inclined to let it be polluted with sniveling and whining about this party or that party, the Rs or the Ds, the libs or the cons.

It is possible to have discussions about policy without immediately slicing and dicing into us v. them. If you aren't able to do that, stay away from those threads and those topics.

Given the folks who often chime in with political opinions have given their two cents, I think we can lock this thread without much loss of benefit.
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