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Haaland nominated to lead Interior

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LOL, only through your lens. I can assure you this site is still conservative, but more Fox News than Breibart. Com'on out to ole WA and I'll show you "leans liberal"! Or if you want to read the liberal perspective, just hop on over to the Stranger (only independent paper in Seattle). I actually enjoy reading it from time to time, but it also feels like Sci-Fi, some alternate reality.

i'd like to think hunt talk is a little more wall street journal or BBC if it was gonna be compared to a news outlet based on political ideology and/or objectivity

the tribalism does exist here, but it's more often drowned (stamped?) out by rationale to some degree... for the most part....
i'd like to think hunt talk is a little more wall street journal or BBC if it was gonna be compared to a news outlet based on political ideology and/or objectivity

the tribalism does exist here, but it's more often drowned (stamped?) out by rationale to some degree... for the most part....
yes, the WSJ is a better comparison.
i'd like to think hunt talk is a little more wall street journal or BBC if it was gonna be compared to a news outlet based on political ideology and/or objectivity

the tribalism does exist here, but it's more often drowned (stamped?) out by rationale to some degree... for the most part....

National Enquirer/World News Daily is more like it.
She is just another inexperience LIBERAL who supports all the other crazy, anti American liberal politicians. Biden could have just picked someone standing in line to get into Walmart and have the same results.
She is just another inexperience LIBERAL who supports all the other crazy, anti American liberal politicians. Biden could have just picked someone standing in line to get into Walmart and have the same results.
Regardless of her stance on guns, I’ll bet a Benjamin she brings a lot more to the table in terms of managing the huge tribal aspect of DOI than you or any other Walmart shopper.
She is just another inexperience LIBERAL who supports all the other crazy, anti American liberal politicians. Biden could have just picked someone standing in line to get into Walmart and have the same results.

You have to be careful with your language and how you express your thoughts. There is always someone waiting to crack you down for stating what you feel or think, especially when you address political parties and concerns. And there are some that will make it a personal attack on you with full immunity. It pays to be more selective in our comments and how we word them...

At this point it does seem like nominations are based more than just "qualifications". However I hope this is is not the case. Attached is an excerpt that may explain your thoughts as I understand your concerns. I hope this nomination is not the case, as we need qualified people and appearance should not matter. YMMV

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You have to be careful with your language and how you express your thoughts. There is always someone waiting to crack you down for stating what you feel or think, especially when you address political parties and concerns. And there are some that will make it a personal attack on you with full immunity. It pays to be more selective in our comments and how we word them...
If that is how you feel, not sure why you feel required to post those topics here. When you take a topic that is about retailers being bought out and making it about Biden, and now some video of Tucker Carlson, neither of which have the slightest connection to the topic, expect me to say something about it. That is what you have done here. And @RoughCountry posting what he did has nothing related to the topic either.

Not sure what drives the irresistible temptations for some to interject unrelated political BS wherever possible, and I guess it doesn't matter. That's what Facebook pages are for.

I didn't stand for it when it was James Riley or Mark making every thread a derailment for their hatred of Trump. The far right folks flooded me with moderation requests and PMs bitching about those guys if I wasn't on them immediately. They are both gone, as they just couldn't let a conversation stay on topic, interjecting unrelated anti-Trump BS whenever they wrote something. When I ask the same of folks who hate the other side, there is a lot of bitching and moaning and poorly veiled comments like yours.

It is this kind of unrelated BS that drives threads into the ditch. Take it elsewhere. Tucker Carlson and his rants have nothing to do with the topic anymore than a Rachel Maddow video has something to do with it.
She is just another inexperience LIBERAL who supports all the other crazy, anti American liberal politicians. Biden could have just picked someone standing in line to get into Walmart and have the same results.
Regardless of what person you are attempting to disparage with insulting rhetoric ... it reflects back more poorly on you.
Factual analysis leading to an opinion regarding someone's potential to lead the DOI is one thing ... but your words are vile, thus painting you vile. 'Just sayin.
You have to be careful with your language and how you express your thoughts. There is always someone waiting to crack you down for stating what you feel or think, especially when you address political parties and concerns. And there are some that will make it a personal attack on you with full immunity. It pays to be more selective in our comments and how we word them...
Was this directed at me?
Tucker Carlson? I remember when he was a regular on Bubba the Love Sponge. He was a joke then and a joke now.

Some people push the envelope here but provide good content. Others post political bs and nothing else. I wish they would go away.😕
Decent review...

One Q though...
"Equal access to natural areas and open lands is a right that everyone holds," Haaland said. "However, low-income communities across the U.S. are consistently denied access to these natural treasures, and the benefits that public lands provide."

I agree with her first portion and find that the satisfying portion of her appointment.


Even National Parks have "fee free" days...
Is she saying free gas / shuttle service and free work annual leave days for low income? I've never been questioned about my income bracket...
I think one of the things we overlook concerning cabinet picks are the under secretaries. They will have more direct impact on any government agency, because they get assigned to a specific agency and it's mission.
Decent review...

One Q though...

I agree with her first portion and find that the satisfying portion of her appointment.


Even National Parks have "fee free" days...
Is she saying free gas / shuttle service and free work annual leave days for low income? I've never been questioned about my income bracket...
You are thinking in first order derivative. Sure, there are free-days at NPs, but you have to get to the national park first to appreciate it. For a lot of low-income kids, getting to a NP is the hardest part. As you know, I believe this is where we need to make an impact - getting "city folk" to appreciate the outdoors as much as we do. I think we can get more partners in protecting public lands if we can get them to understand the value we see in those lands. Unfortunately, there are many in cities who see the land on a map or listed in a table and just say "why don't we sell that?".
It looks like the subject of the new nominee took some unfortunate turns in this thread but reading through it I didn't see this subject come up.

I came across a post on a trapping group stating that she is not a fan of trapping. A quick search with her name and the term "trapping" looks like she's not a supporter of it at all. She may support public lands and it's access but she may not have favourable opinions about all activities on it.

According to this animal rights site they are excited on her stance against trapping on public lands.

It looks like the subject of the new nominee took some unfortunate turns in this thread but reading through it I didn't see this subject come up.

I came across a post on a trapping group stating that she is not a fan of trapping. A quick search with her name and the term "trapping" looks like she's not a supporter of it at all. She may support public lands and it's access but she may not have favourable opinions about all activities on it.

According to this animal rights site they are excited on her stance against trapping on public lands.

how much jurisdiction does the DOI have over legal methods of take when it comes to animals not managed by DOI?

if i was a smart and confident person i'd say that was a rhetorical question.....

but i'm not
how much jurisdiction does the DOI have over legal methods of take when it comes to animals not managed by DOI?

if i was a smart and confident person i'd say that was a rhetorical question.....

but i'm not
I agree they don't have much jurisdiction, I just thought it was relevant to bring up that she may not support ALL points of the current model of conservation since it was in question what she will do for hunters and public lands.
I agree they don't have much jurisdiction, I just thought it was relevant to bring up that she may not support ALL points of the current model of conservation since it was in question what she will do for hunters and public lands.

my rhetorical question was more tongue in cheek (notice the qualifier at the end), wasn't trying to make your point moot

while i was trying to make the point that her [agency's] overall lack of purview when it comes to managing game animals that it actually doesn't manage makes her stance on trapping kinda irrelevant, i was also seriously wondering to what degree a so-called hypothetical DOI "anti trapping sentiment" could influence hunters.

as @Bambistew has recently opened my eyes to in another thread it makes me wonder how much influence DOI could exert on places like alaska... IN THE HYPOTHETICAL, no reason to get worked up yet. or should we only be thinking hypothetical?
I've met her twice now. Seems very competent & informed on issues we discussed.
I'll support her. Yeah she might be what some would say more left on some issues.
Bet dollars to doughnuts she does not talk of selling our Public Lands. Bet she does more to save it some for our future.Bet she knows more than I do about NM lands.
What do I know? Never been nuch of a gambler.
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