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Haaland nominated to lead Interior

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Will she have the authority to put wolves back on the endangered list? All the tribes around me are not in favor of wolf hunting.
She's getting lambasted pretty good over on bowsite which is too to be expected.
Total newbie on HT so I’m not sure how the political discussions go on this forum. Such as can a member be banned for telling the truth or expressing his or her opinions. So here goes. I’m very surprised to see the positive reactions to this pick. Our future president (makes me puke in my mouth a little to even type those words) is a gun grabbing, big government, baby killing, senile, America hating, stooge. Anyone seriously think he’ll do anything that is in the best interest of hunters, fishermen, or gun owners? Anyone think anyone he appoints will be good for those I listed? Demonrats want to destroy our freedoms, turn this country into a 3rd world crap hole where we’re all dependent on the government for everything we have. We went from a President who’s son likes to hunt, fish, and shoot to a drooling puppet who likes to touch and smell young girls. Somehow I don’t think Hiden Biden or anyone he appoints to anything will be good for sportsmen or hard working Americans in any way. Just wait til he puts Beto in charge of something.
Welcome to the forum🙄
I have no clue what her beliefs are or policy will be.
Without reading all though this tread, forgive me if I am parroting anyone already...
Speaking for myself I will just ne happy if she isnt the antithesis of what organization stands for at this point. Yea my bar is set that low after the last absolutely abyssal appointment we seen.

As it's to be expected she is already getting lambasted at the usual locations, Bowsite for example.
"All the world's a stage, and all men and women merely players." Shakespeare or RUSH, whichever you prefer. Ultimately, I wish her success and, for our sakes, the betterment of public lands. But she's just one player on a large stage.
If a New Mexican was supposed to be, Heinrich should have been the choice. Not a great fan, but he understands and tries to do the job.

I think the choice will be a disaster, but better then Grisham Lujan.
Can't even agree with the voices in my head half of the time. Will give her a chance and see how her actions affect what I personally value, then go from there. Doubt her beliefs on heaters [aka guns] will have much if any affect on how she'll do her new job. Don't think she can amend the 2nd amendment from that position or really have enough power without running into checks and balances or major push back. Don't care about gender or race, if she does a good job or bad, will give her credit for the good and crap for the bad. Wish her well and hope she at least curbs some of the over use of resource extraction and intrusion on public land. Am all for cheap fuel, but am also for protecting resources from the grip of unregulated extraction. Own land down stream of the copper mines plans close to the bwca, but also have in-laws in the area up there that support them. Feel like a person without a political party. Don't agree with either side on everything. Highly appose any infringement on wild places, as well as the 2nd amendment. Half the time it feels like I'm rooting for the wrong team no matter who is in charge of whatever it is.


A disenfranchised public land and 2nd amendment supporter.

Exactly where I am.
I have no clue what her beliefs are or policy will be.
Without reading all though this tread, forgive me if I am parroting anyone already...
Speaking for myself I will just ne happy if she isnt the antithesis of what organization stands for at this point. Yea my bar is set that low after the last absolutely abyssal appointment we seen.

As it's to be expected she is already getting lambasted at the usual locations, Bowsite for example.
Bowsite has a whole bunch of good people on it. Maybe they’re on to something about this pick.
Bowsite has a whole bunch of good people on it. Maybe they’re on to something about this pick.
All bowsite has is bunch of partisan hacks at this point. Any conversation even remotely political is distilled down to typical tribalistic drivel. Any attempt to have a discussion that reflects a semblance of complex thinking is scoffed at.
I read that thread. I highly doubt there is any prescience at play there.
Lol had to see what the fuss was about, so she’s mentioned by the OP and then no comments about her, her back ground, stance on issues for like 80 posts 🤦‍♂️.

Comments like @Bambistew’s that are critical, his comment cites specific issues and provides examples, that kinda dialogue is extremely important. There are a ton of issues that we should be discussing and following, renewable energy dev on public land, tribal hunting esp in Ak, back log of projects, etc etc.

Im interested to see what the next couple of years hold, like the last probably positives and negatives, I hope the former out weigh the later.

WTF do Eric Holder memes have to do with anything, good grief.
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Lol had to see what the fuss was about, so she’s mentioned by the OP and then no comments about her, her back ground, stance on issues for like 80 posts 🤦‍♂️.

Comments like @Bambistew’s that are critical and cite specific issues and examples are extremely important. There are a ton of issues that we should be discussing and following, renewable energy dev on public land, tribal hunting esp in Ak, back log of projects, etc etc.

Im interested to see what the next couple of years hold, like the last probably positives and negatives, I hope the former out weigh the later.

WTF do Eric Holder memes have to do with anything, good grief.
It’s a typical Bowsite thread, with a a couple of the same tired actors who repeat the same lies and misinformation as they did years ago, and people still believe it.

Yes, there are some salient questions. It’s an entirely legitimate concern to wonder how much development the new administration will push for renewable energy on federal lands.
The last three administration's have moved to remove them, why do you think a new admin would reverse that trend?
I could see dropping the latest attempt to delist nationally, as it doesn't have legal legs to stand on, but for specific populations that have met & exceeded all recovery goals - what JR said.
I could see dropping the latest attempt to delist nationally, as it doesn't have legal legs to stand on, but for specific populations that have met & exceeded all recovery goals - what JR said.
Woofs are the least of our problems, as are vehement Bowsite'ers...

Partisan Hack
Someone who cares more about supporting a particular party or ideology than supporting what is morally right, or factually true.
You may be a partisan hack if:
- the other side is to blame totally for all that is wrong in the country.
- you think its o.k. for judges to legislate from the bench as long as it coincides with your position.
- you won't admit the opposing party probably has as many good and as many bad ideas as your own favorite party.
HT has its tribalistic fanfare as well. This site leans liberal Bowsite leans conservative. Nature of forums. This site permits more respectful debate when compared with most other forums though put your kool-aid down for a minute if you feel tribalism is not present here.

Thankfully a ton of the popular HT member personal attacks have toned down and more content bickering is respected here vs other sites. Makes HT better from that regard.
HT has its tribalistic fanfare as well. This site leans liberal
LOL, only through your lens. I can assure you this site is still conservative, but more Fox News than Breibart. Com'on out to ole WA and I'll show you "leans liberal"! Or if you want to read the liberal perspective, just hop on over to the Stranger (only independent paper in Seattle). I actually enjoy reading it from time to time, but it also feels like Sci-Fi, some alternate reality.
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