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Haaland nominated to lead Interior

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Curious if others are like me, in that I could view any appointment as negative and be correct about them most of the time. I'm meaning Republican, democrat, or whatever. Just assume they'll be terrible and the odds are I'd be right better than 50% of the time.
Total newbie on HT so I’m not sure how the political discussions go on this forum. Such as can a member be banned for telling the truth or expressing his or her opinions. So here goes. I’m very surprised to see the positive reactions to this pick. Our future president (makes me puke in my mouth a little to even type those words) is a gun grabbing, big government, baby killing, senile, America hating, stooge. Anyone seriously think he’ll do anything that is in the best interest of hunters, fishermen, or gun owners? Anyone think anyone he appoints will be good for those I listed? Demonrats want to destroy our freedoms, turn this country into a 3rd world crap hole where we’re all dependent on the government for everything we have. We went from a President who’s son likes to hunt, fish, and shoot to a drooling puppet who likes to touch and smell young girls. Somehow I don’t think Hiden Biden or anyone he appoints to anything will be good for sportsmen or hard working Americans in any way. Just wait til he puts Beto in charge of something.
Buddy- you need a hug. We can disagree without being disagreeable.

Go put that toxic crap on Facebook. We have a nice place here.
We had a really good discussion going about how the new interior secretary pic will do in that role. Let’s not derail it now.
She probably doesn’t even like cheese.
Hopefully she isn’t worse than the last two.
Stopping fossil fuel extraction while pushing development of federal land for “ renewable energy” just ensures continuous development regardless of the party of administration. The next Republican President will probably push fossil fuels. The next Democrat will probably push renewable.
I have no clue of her qualifications, but DOI does have oversight of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and manages the millions of acres of tribal lands on behalf of the tribes. If you think DOI has done a good job of representing the tribal interests, one should go read the lawsuits against DOI when Gayle Norton was Secretary.

So we had our years of representation from the "multiple use" (some would argue borderline exclusive use) interests, supported by the fact that DOI has millions of acres of subsurface mineral interests it is charged with. Under that theory, it was explained that the agency needed to be led by a person with understanding of the mineral and extraction industries. Ok, for the sake of this discussion I will go with that.

The same rationale could be used here, in that DOI also has a responsibility to manage 56 million acres of tribal lands and mineral interests. DOI still hasn't accounted for the billions that were owed tribes at the time of the DOI lawsuits during the Norton period. So the same logic could be that because of those two facts it is appropriate to nominate a tribal representative.

I guess we will see what qualifications she has. FWIW, Zinke sat on some of the same Congressional committees she did, prior to his appointment.
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Total newbie on HT so I’m not sure how the political discussions go on this forum. Such as can a member be banned for telling the truth or expressing his or her opinions. So here goes. I’m very surprised to see the positive reactions to this pick. Our future president (makes me puke in my mouth a little to even type those words) is a gun grabbing, big government, baby killing, senile, America hating, stooge. Anyone seriously think he’ll do anything that is in the best interest of hunters, fishermen, or gun owners? Anyone think anyone he appoints will be good for those I listed? Demonrats want to destroy our freedoms, turn this country into a 3rd world crap hole where we’re all dependent on the government for everything we have. We went from a President who’s son likes to hunt, fish, and shoot to a drooling puppet who likes to touch and smell young girls. Somehow I don’t think Hiden Biden or anyone he appoints to anything will be good for sportsmen or hard working Americans in any way. Just wait til he puts Beto in charge of something.
Sir this is a Wendy's
She probably...

Will I get the boot ya think?
If you are open minded and willing to think through other people's beliefs I think you will find the incoming administration on equal footing as the outgoing. If not you probably don't want to be on here anyways. The hunters on here tend to vote for issues and people not for a party.
Will I get the boot ya think?
The ground rules have been (fairly) respectfully laid out from you, just remember that sometimes it’s not the message that kills ya, it’s the delivery!
.... and if things begin to look bleak you can always offer up cheese!
I have no clue of her qualifications, but DOI does have oversight of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and manages the millions of acres of tribal lands on behalf of the tribes. If you think DOI has done a good job of representing the tribal interests, one should go read the lawsuits against DOI when Gayle Norton was Secretary. is appropriate to nominate a tribal representative.
I think this is an excellent summation and big picture view.
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