Drought for the west

kinda feels similar to the colorado guy i like to pay attention to when it comes to the weather. Brenden Heberton's weather blog.

It’s bad.
It's really bad. All of the reservoirs are down significantly here when they should at just about their fullest with snow melt. Many professionals are predicting that this could be the worst fire season on record with the conditions, so a lot of scouting and planning may be a wait and see depending on if/when fires pop up.
Here in Nevada its bone dry also,has been for a few years now.Game population is way down.Lake Mead is down 150 plus feet !
Due to COVID, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has not conducted breeding surveys via air in the past 2 years. However, the impact of regional drought is likely substantial. "The 2021 May water index was down 80 percent from 2020, and nearly 68 percent below the 1948-2020 average. "
"In data gleaned from a Delta Waterfowl news release, North Dakota’s 2021 survey indicates decreases for most major species from a year ago. That includes America’s bread-and-butter duck, the mallard, which decreased by 48.7 percent from a year ago... also the lowest number for greenheads in North Dakota since 1993."

Here in boreal Alaska, drought and wildfire is frequent.
We had big fire years in 2004, 2009, 2013,2018.
All of our tree species are adapted to quick reproduction following wildfire.
Moose habitat improves due to aspen suckering and willow sprouting, early successional plants replacing black spruce systems.
Caribou habitat can decline due to wildfire consumption of lichen which takes ~50-100 years to recover following fire,
and lichen is an important winter food for caribou.
Can't wait to see what shit show it's gonna be after the 4th. I honestly can't believe they're still selling fireworks..... I guess we'll see. Maybe it'll snow in July....🤷‍♂️
When I lived in Boulder we had 4 inches of snow on July 4th, years ago. Had to cancel going to Canyon Ferry for the day.
Can't wait to see what shit show it's gonna be after the 4th. I honestly can't believe they're still selling fireworks..... I guess we'll see. Maybe it'll snow in July....🤷‍♂️
If anyone has been to the Salt Lake Valley on July 4, you know how insane it is with fireworks here. I've never been to another place anywhere close to the amount of fireworks that go off here. There are signs up all over the place banning fireworks, but I have my doubts they will be followed. I'm just hoping and praying that we somehow get lucky and don't set the entire valley ablaze.
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