Drought for the west

Want to spend the weekend ontop of the world, but cerealishly worried I am going to have to cross drainages, or something, to exit because the one I left my vehicle at is on fire from illegal fireworks and campfires courtesy of 4th of July party crowd.

Am I being unreasonable? Que anxiety. Le sigh.
Went from winter to June,hot. Very for here.
I got the 1st measurable rains in 12 yrs ,the last week of June. One decent downpour,1".
Raining lightly every evening so far in July. Lots cooler & humid.
Hope we get some gully washers,hell,I'll settle for half a monsoon season.
Still bone dry in SW NM,but a bit cooler with some rain.
I was up in @hank4elk neck of the woods on Friday and Saturday. The surface of the pine needles were damp but you dig down under 6" of duff and its still bone dry. Good to see the recent rains, still a lot more moisture needed.
Wheeler mt, south of Bozeman was on fire this morning. Hopefully the rain and fire fighters got it out. I haven't heard any updates yet.
The Rocky Mountains in CO have received a decent amount of rain this past weekend. Wet and cool. Hopefully it will keep the fires away for a bit.
The pics are from the steamboat springs area.
Next time you’re up there can you check my trail cams :)

I was pleasantly surprised by the green up so far. I still expect to have cold camps in archery, but it looks better than expected. The water levels in the Yampa tell another tale, though.

Beartooths got some good rain last night and today. Not enough to bring the grasses back, but a rain like this every week or two would go a long ways toward limiting the fires. 🙂
Good to hear. I’d appreciate it not being smoky when I show up with an unlimited sheep tag come September.
I’m starting the fire season off with hellacious conditions in NorCal. I don’t usually get the first assignment of the year until late July… yet here I am. I’m worried about my home unit in SoCal as the season progresses. It’s a sad sight to seeAB246DA5-E45E-4B82-973D-64919CFE5B65.png
Good to hear. I’d appreciate it not being smoky when I show up with an unlimited sheep tag come September.
Are you able to make it out for some scouting beforehand this summer? If so, and if you want some company, give me a holler. Also, if you need some help hauling meat after shooting one, which Im sure you will (the shooting part :) ), give me a holler. (send PM)
@jlong17 thats my old stomping grounds...are you working the Salt, Tennant, or Lava fire? Has been a horrendous last few years in that part of NorCal; I worked the Carr Fire and Delta fires down there and after the town of Paradise burned, decided that it was time to turn things over to youth! Be safe out there!
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