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Drought for the west

I've heard a few guys mention the genetics of their herd. I didn't realize how important of a factor it is.
Definitely a tough time for all but it's hard to see more range damage from domestic stock during years like this.
Ranchers across the county are contemplating how they will feed their herds through the winter, or if they will have to sell them off.

This post was inspired by the Bundy thread, but is more appropriate here.

“To rebuild this herd would take a lifetime,” Craig said. “And I don’t have a lifetime left.”
When you read about the situation on private land as described in the article above, consider similar impacts to public lands as well, and the pressure there is going to be on federal land managers to give livestock operators their full allocation of AUM even with reduced forage availability.
@jlong17 thats my old stomping grounds...are you working the Salt, Tennant, or Lava fire? Has been a horrendous last few years in that part of NorCal; I worked the Carr Fire and Delta fires down there and after the town of Paradise burned, decided that it was time to turn things over to youth! Be safe out there!

I’m on the salt fire. It’s settling down now, but temps are only getting hotter and drier. On the plus sign there are literally no mosquitoes
@jlong17 Good to hear it’s getting lined out, I’ve got a friend up on Gilman Road that thought it would be burning into the Hirz and Delta fire scars from 2018 so hopefully that will give you guys a break as well. Good luck to you!
Extended forecast is mid 90s to 100 every day. The Dixie fire is already up to 11k acres in a matter of days. The saving grace will be the older Burns acting as fire breaks.

It’s a long ways to the equinox storms that typically bring fire season to an end in the Northern Rockies and Inland NW.
Smokey haze obscuring the mountain views in Livingston today, accompanied by the slight smell of campfire.
Lots of fire starts around me in the last few days. A few that could have some great potential for helping elk habitat and they seem to be targeted for full suppression
Local FS kid was just sent to MT to back up crews.
Back to heat for 2 days and hopefully the monsoon returns Monday.98 here today already.
That report is not the news we need.I was hoping for an early,hard winter snow wise.
You’re right with that Terry, they had to pull off and get crews into safety zones yesterday, just too damn erratic. Feel for those guys, I sure don’t miss that shit at all
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Fires popping up every where. Visibility non-existent from the smoke. Smell of campfire everywhere. Thus ends glorious summer.

Pray to Freyr, or whomever is your favorite divine, for rain.

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