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Drought for the west

Thanks, I'll add your comments to my research files. BTW just a suggestion, get the Pfizer.

Third paragraph on your reply is confusing me.

The fourth, 38 years is a short span. Your gonna love the next 30 and at that point I'd love to interview your conclusions then doubt I'll be here though.

Your kids might be screwed. My kids and Grandkids too!

Third paragraph is in reference to the Wikipedia article I posted. My mother in law recalled what the thought process was in the 1970's, so I looked it up when I saw this thread.

I am not an expert in this.

I do know this, though. I don't trust something just because someone says it's true. Theories and even known facts in the scientific community are constantly under scrutiny.

Also, I am not sure what we as humans can do about this to change the timeline as was posted just above.

My kids and grandkids are likely screwed, and not just because of the climate change argument.

Have a good day and thanks for calling me out about being an anti-vaxxer and getting my jolly's off over January 6. None of which are true.
Central Idaho Salmon/Challis forest, BLM and state lands going into Stage 1 fire restrictions July 15. Guess it's going to stay on until end of September unless we get enough rain to ease the drought.
We're getting everyones smoke can't see over a mile.
All junior water right holders were cut off a month early. Most are only going to get one cutting of hay.
Hay is going to get tight and very high priced by mid winter.
It could rain for a week after a heavy winter and we would be at normal drought stage again. Buddy in WI said corn fried in the field north of him last week.
Rain! Glorious rain. Two afternoons in a row now in the Utah Zion unit. Kolob reservoir area.

It's been 2years since we've had this kind of rains. Loving it!
Every drop of rain we have had comes with lightning and more starts. I’m predicting no archery season at this rate. Lots of morels next year!
Picked up another 7/8" the last 3 days. All good soaking in rains.
Had a killer light show last night,hundreds of strikes. Forecast is for heavy rains this next week,starting today. Clouding up early today already.
Instant grass & wildflower growth. Toads calling from tanks. Fresh Purslaine in tonights salad.Cool.
Living just 100 miles north of Yellowstone NP, I've been going to the Park at least 2 or more times for the past 40+ years. Last Thursday I took my Sister and Niece through the Park. One of our stops was at Norris geyser basin. We walked down past Steamboat geyser and down around the south basin. I have never seen it that dry!

Almost all of the hot pools were 3 to 10 or more feet below their normal level. Most of the pools did not have any water running out of them. The overall basin looked like a big dry alkali flat. It wasn't worth the walk around it.
This is getting ridiculous. The big fires get the press but there are little ones popping up daily. Worst part is this time of July is usually the start of fire season.
Living just 100 miles north of Yellowstone NP, I've been going to the Park at least 2 or more times for the past 40+ years. Last Thursday I took my Sister and Niece through the Park. One of our stops was at Norris geyser basin. We walked down past Steamboat geyser and down around the south basin. I have never seen it that dry!

Almost all of the hot pools were 3 to 10 or more feet below their normal level. Most of the pools did not have any water running out of them. The overall basin looked like a big dry alkali flat. It wasn't worth the walk around it.
I took some friends thru park yesterday from east entrance to west yellowstone for lunch and then back with about 10 photo stops, all day trip. The difference in moisture from brown and dry west side to plush and green east side (between lake and pass) was noticed by everyone even a east coaster. Very little to no snow left up high and seems like that dry brown is working east, hopefully get some rains soon.
Ground is so dry another .43" just soaked in Tue.
Storms all around me yesterday. Very smokey too.
Smell's like rain in the air today. The best set-up forecast for monsoon in years now.
We'll see. Need some very muddy roads for a while to help overall.
My place is green,but I lost another pinion tree to bugs this week too. Road is dusty 5 mi away still...
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