Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Jasper wildfire/climate change


Ohhhh... Two Canadians arguing.
@OntarioHunter for a rather unattractive threesome!
Yes, Americans are very well-known for their civil discussions between each other
Alberta is not the largest contributor to the nations GDP it's a respectable 3rd with $340 billion, then Quebec at $392 and Ontario at $780. Those numbers will continue to fall for Alberta as their economy is almost souly tied to the oil and gas sector. Which is also why to numbers are skewed when it comes to the CPP. They had more younger people making higher salaries in the oil patch until it started to decrease production. Over the next decade those numbers will continue to plumet as less production will come from the expensive oil sands. Now if you want you can fly out to Ottawa. Me or any of my staff will go over the economic data with you.

Also, the only reason Alberta had take 2 billion out of their emergency fund and invest it into the fire service budget is because they've spent the last decade cutting the fire budget by hundreds of millions every year.

The fact that members here come in and spout total BS is humorous. You don’t know a single thing you are talking about. In the province of Alberta, wildfire response is a provincial responsibility, except for the national parks, which are federally run. As such, in both Jasper and Banff, Parks Canada, the federal agency, has jurisdiction over both wildfire preparedness and response in the parks. This has been mentioned in multiple press conferences. If this was not the case, do you think the feds would let taking the blame for it fly, or do you think they would issue a statement stating otherwise. So you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Also, funding for the wildfire response in AB was increased to $2B this year. See here:

Also ‘once again bail out Alberta’? Talking out your ass seems to be a hobby for you. Our GDP is the highest in Canada, seen here:

We contribute disproportionately to the CPP, seen here:

Our economy is the economic engine of Canada, and we have sent over $600 billion to the federal government over the last 50 years, funds used to help other ‘have-not’ provinces and regions of the country. There’s a reason everyone and their mother is moving here nowadays. Don’t really know why you’re so intent on spreading misinformation, but maybe you should just shut the hell up when you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Alberta is not the largest contributor to the nations GDP it's a respectable 3rd with $340 billion, then Quebec at $392 and Ontario at $780. Those numbers will continue to fall for Alberta as their economy is almost souly tied to the oil and gas sector. Which is also why to numbers are skewed when it comes to the CPP. They had more younger people making higher salaries in the oil patch until it started to decrease production. Over the next decade those numbers will continue to plumet as less production will come from the expensive oil sands. Now if you want you can fly out to Ottawa. Me or any of my staff will go over the economic data with you.

Also, the only reason Alberta had take 2 billion out of their emergency fund and invest it into the fire service budget is because they've spent the last decade cutting the fire budget by hundreds of millions every year.

Take into account proportion by population and Alberta is easily first. Ontario 15.2 mill, Quebec 8.7 mill, AB 4.6 mill. Simple math. Why should a province with half the population and 3x less the population respectively be so high up the list? Typical Ottawa response try to spin anything to make yourselves look better. Eastern Liberals have been ruining this country for a decade. That oil and gas sector that you disparage pays for all your stupid programs that only benefit the east of Canada. Time and time again, for nearly a decade, every decision made has been to the detriment of Canadians. Have fun driving your EV that get 200k between charges in the winter, if that. If you think the oil sands will be gone in a decade, you have no business talking about economics.

If you want to talk about budget cuts, we can get into some of the decisions made in Ottawa. You might not like that line of conversation though.
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dubz would find a way to get into a pissing match with a brick wall. it's actually almost impressive.

Man I don't go seeking these things, and if you look through my post history I don't start them, I'm interested in having conversations about topics with like-minded individuals, not everything has to devolve into heated discussion but some people always take it that way, and I have no problem going down that avenue. I don't mind having a debate if someone is responding to something I post, and a lot of the time if someone makes valid points I will readily concede that, once again check my posts. Sorry if it rubs you the wrong way, but I'm not gonna apologize for it. Seen plenty of pissing matches on here I would not get involved in and think are stupid, so I just go about my day. Why is that not an option for you? lol
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