Caribou Gear

Drought for the west

Man everything about this photo screams hot dry weather 😔
I felt hot just looking at the thumbnail picture. Yikes.

Rio Blanco county in western CO where I spent a good chunk of time this spring, lots of it in muddy creek bottoms, just went to stage 1 fire restrictions.

having a campfire in most of the inter mountain west probably has about a 2 week window now.
Montana isn't in as rough of shape as some other western states, and yet, we are seeing streamflows in the single digit percentile, if not lowest ever since we began recording for today's date. Today, we had extreme fire weather across the state with more than a couple fires blowing up, a helicopter crashing, and temperatures hotter than a jalapeno's armpit.

It's a long summer and even longer fire season and many things can change, but I wonder what things are gonna look like two months from now. It's shaping up to be wiley across the west.
The salmonflies have started emerging on the Jellystone 2 days ago, a full 20 days earlier than normal. River is at roughly July 10 average flow with no snow left to melt.

Took off a bunchve random days to get some Beartooth lake walks in over the next 3 weeks. Doubt Im going to be up in the mountains as much as Id like later in summer due it the coming inferno.

Cleansing fire, tho, circle of life. Or something.
Santa Fe NF just put in place a forest closure for a good portion of the Pecos Wilderness. Rincon Fire burning at 11,000 feet. Lots of dead fir stands in the area. Grim outlook for the summer.
Had to go down to Worland yesterday, red lodge fire was raging on the way down then another popped up to the East, maybe in the pryors or up near the crow, hard to say. Another one up near Townsend. 113EB587-A2BF-4E1F-AC50-EC1279F410B4.jpeg65274138-F447-4DF0-B3FC-8E3EDD4FB530.jpeg6B227226-2ACC-477D-B0D6-2D83DB8ABC0B.jpeg0EB41B82-1923-4604-90AA-867A17DE9C86.jpeg056265AA-6C08-4A36-ABDB-E3691C4F687A.jpeg

Gonna be a long nasty summer at this rate.
My wife has her "go-bag" packed. She is loaned to USFS from USF&W as a buyer/scrounger for a fire team. This is the earliest she has been placed on standby.
Which region? Seems like the southwest is sucking up teams left and right.
Santa Fe NF just put in place a forest closure for a good portion of the Pecos Wilderness. Rincon Fire burning at 11,000 feet. Lots of dead fir stands in the area. Grim outlook for the summer.
All the Cibola districts just announced stage 2 fire restrictions along with the portion of the Kiowa Grassland that has been in stage 2 since March. Really incredible how dry the southwest is right now.
I was out in a pretty good cross section of SW WY rangeland this week. It’s bad. The country looks and feels “agitated”.

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