So for those who feel this will lead to less support for public land hunting or public land in general, what do you mean exactly? I'm not saying you're wrong just help me understand, I've never lived in a non-rocky mountain state. I already support public land ownership and recreation (and engage in it) in lots of states that I'll never hunt in.
i think it's a fair question.
i kinda find the argument that raising prices and limiting NR opportunity will ultimately lead to a loss of public lands advocates and the land transfer crowd ultimately winning their game a red herring.
i mean even if it did lead to hunters quitting hunting and no longer caring about public lands those numbers will still pale in comparison to the many other user groups out there besides hunters with massive numbers and massive money fighting for public lands
edit: that said, I don't think that means we should say "well who cares if we lose a few hunters" .... for whatever reason we may lose them