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Corn and antlers

Looks to me like about 240k licenses sold to residents. 6000 as a cap for non residents..
.. The ratio of NR tags tags seems a lot lower than western states.

Ratios are one way to look at it. I believe resident licenses in Montana have been stable to declining over the last decade. And they sell those to anyone and everyone. Lots of things can skew that view. All I can say is I haven’t heard a MT resident complain about lack of opportunity and be taken seriously. But they certainly blow through NR caps, so I get your point.
Ratios are one way to look at it. I believe resident licenses in Montana have been stable to declining over the last decade. And they sell those to anyone and everyone. Lots of things can skew that view. All I can say is I haven’t heard a MT resident complain about lack of opportunity and be taken seriously. But they certainly blow through NR caps, so I get your point.
Montanas is 17k, with less than the resident deer sales i just added up.

Im not complaining about a lack of opportunity - quite the opposite. There is near universal agreement that hunting pressure is a growing problem. However any time reducing western NR opportunity to help with pressure comes up - theres a lot of folks claiming residents are selfish. I continue to see their own states are more "selfish" with lesser opportunity.

Dont want to derail the thread - but i figured iowa had a plethora of deer tags available for NR.
Two simple things that are bringing about profound changes to land ownership in Iowa.

Farm and recreational property ownership shows an accelerating trend towards nonresident ownership. Large farms are increasingly being purchased by investors for portfolio diversification. Lifelong farm owner-operators do continue to pass along their businesses to family, or another Iowa owner-operator, but these transitions are becoming less common over time. A companion trend is consolidation, in which the median total number of acres farmed by an owner-operator increases continually. Once a farm moves to investor hands, they hire a tenant, and it pretty much never returns to a new owner-operator. When these properties sell, they go to developers, other investors, or existing resident owner-operators enlarging their operation. New owner-operators, excluding inheritance transitions, are an extreme anomaly due to the enormous costs of entry, which well exceed a cool million.

Ag is still big business in Iowa, accounting for 12% of the total economy, and 17% of jobs. 77% of our total surface area is row crops, and 8% is feedlots, grass, pasture, and other crops. The remaining 15% of area breaks down to 8% timber, 4% urban development, 1% water, and 2% all other combined. Farm owner-operators have income and assets significantly above the median, whereas farmers without business assets are economically below average. Ag job salaries excluding operators are significantly below median income. If the land ownership trend described above continue for another generation or two, nonowner-operators will vastly outnumber owner-operators, and the relationship between the land, those who own it, and those who work it might look a lot like the rangelands of the West look today. The rangelands went first, pasturelands and row crops are next. There will always be lucrative ag jobs, and these tend to concentrate in ancillary ag functions such as transportation, biofuels, research, ag science, equipment business, etc.

Recreational properties are a much smaller slice of the IA landscape, but they are experiencing similar ownership trends. NR’s flush with capital or credit purchase smaller recreational properties for hunting, and other uses. According to some realtors I’ve talked to, nonresident interest in recreational property jumped fivefold during COVID. I don’t know if that number has held steady or changed since then, but either way it remains high. Recreational purchases that include tillable land usually result in the new owner renting or leasing those portions.

Nonresident deer hunters make up a significant percentage of recreational property buyers, even though they cannot obtain an either-sex deer tag every year. Unlike any other state, IA has neither nonresident landowner tags, nor nonresident OTC either-sex tags for WT. Nonresident landowners have to draw their tag, which up until recently they could get about every other year. Now it is about once every four years thanks to THP, the Bowmars, the Lakosky’s (yes, Iowa is the “Utah” of the Midwest), and just increased demand overall.

NR landowners have responded by greasing the political wheels to erode barriers to obtaining the highly sought-after either-sex WT tags. In the WT world, IA is the Golden Land, with bucks having both a good age class and giant antlers. Every year at the Statehouse legislators float a series of bills to add NR landowner tags, increase the 6000 NR license quota, and otherwise pave the way forward to get the NR’s with deep pockets their tags. Basic principles of managing a public trust are somewhere between nonexistent and poorly understood.

There are some interesting economic and social considerations associated with opening the floodgates to NR deer hunters. If tomorrow an unlimited # of NR tags were available, existing recreational property owners would see a sharp increase in the value of their land. Sales would overwhelmingly go to NR’s, and those electing to keep their properties could make bank through leasing to NR’s.

It is plausible that within my lifetime I will witness the State complete its transition into a vassal territory of the nonresident wealthy, with residents serving as their tenants. I guess that is the natural outcome of capitalism. Nevertheless, it still feels strange. I have a difficult time imagining a plausible alternative outcome, and I have no idea what it would take for that happen either.
As a blue collar hunter it’s hard to imagine NR’s buying up properties in Iowa. I’m looking at 5 years between Iowa tags. Do these people just have tons of cash to invest, or do they anticipate a change where they can hunt every year?
As a blue collar hunter it’s hard to imagine NR’s buying up properties in Iowa. I’m looking at 5 years between Iowa tags. Do these people just have tons of cash to invest, or do they anticipate a change where they can hunt every year?
Probably buy their local legislators to do that, if they can.
As a blue collar hunter it’s hard to imagine NR’s buying up properties in Iowa. I’m looking at 5 years between Iowa tags. Do these people just have tons of cash to invest, or do they anticipate a change where they can hunt every year?
For those who purchased the properties back when they could get a tag every other year, it was a decent deal. Land prices were also a lot less 10-15 years ago.

IA is the last domino to fall for States with few NR WT tags given out. It was not difficult to turn legislators elsewhere, and some gamble that it’s only a matter of time before IA’s lawmakers give in. Buy in before the change happens, and then reap the investment reward once it does. Campaign contributions are ramping up to push this through.

I suspect that many buyers have serious dough, and IA is just one of several States where they own recreational property. It’s not a good all eggs in one basket idea, IMO.

Just from observation, it seems that blue collar hunters are generally hunting private land (for free) of someone they know, or public during archery season. Some hunters have a specific goal of a 140” deer or higher and IA is a place to make that happen in Nov with a solid investment in scouting. Folks not as focused on huge antlers and more interested in the experience, there are at least a dozen other states I think are a better value for NR WT hunting.
Your yields/acre are sinfully high, salt the fields.

Haven't seen an actual bow being carried in years, except in my hand, so you better hold the line on the crossbows.

You think corn fields are a problem wait till the corn PILES show up, it will be just about the same time that the crossbows become legal, and for mostly the same reasons...sales.

As almost always your problems aren't the NR, they are just the symptom, your problem lies in the political class, all they need is adequate funding and they will fix everything.
As a blue collar hunter it’s hard to imagine NR’s buying up properties in Iowa. I’m looking at 5 years between Iowa tags. Do these people just have tons of cash to invest, or do they anticipate a change where they can hunt every year?

I've got ground in a couple different states. Our IL farm generates enough crop income to cover the taxes and all the cabin expenses and utilities, plus the land continues to appreciate in value.
It's a pretty decent investment, plus the added bonus of another state to hunt and have a property to yourself.

Iowa would be on my NO BUY list due to the above mentioned restrictions on NR tags.
I don't know.

If some biologist somewhere says here's 275k deer tags of XYZ status for sale, let's put a deadline on tag purchases. What's left after x date goes to NR.

Hell, how likely are these numbers to change. Provided that there's still one more season of tag sales yet released (excess tag sales start 1/11?) I'm totally cool with making the 2 bonus seasons in the best geographical areas of Iowa a R/NR first come first serve.

If we call it excess and population MGMT..let's use it damn it and let others enjoy the best of Iowa at Iowa's best it's got to give. Middle of January. That season. Every year. Is guaranteed to be a surprise. From 50s to -30s and everything in between. Practically any legal weapon. Send it I say.

Hunter numbers are on the decline. This is a hunting community that should foster hunting. Teach the neighbor once you've taught the kin.

The only story I can tell u about corn and antlers is this. Kennedys in-between sheridan mt and twin. They baited and still are. 25 yrs of it. Same place cwd took off. They had a cage. Bow stand one entrance into corn maze. Primos not the truth.
The only story I can tell u about corn and antlers is this. Kennedys in-between sheridan mt and twin. They baited and still are. 25 yrs of it. Same place cwd took off. They had a cage. Bow stand one entrance into corn maze. Primos not the truth.
So, did CWD species hop there, or did they bring in "new genetics"?
I don't know.

If some biologist somewhere says here's 275k deer tags of XYZ status for sale, let's put a deadline on tag purchases. What's left after x date goes to NR.

Hell, how likely are these numbers to change. Provided that there's still one more season of tag sales yet released (excess tag sales start 1/11?) I'm totally cool with making the 2 bonus seasons in the best geographical areas of Iowa a R/NR first come first serve.

If we call it excess and population MGMT..let's use it damn it and let others enjoy the best of Iowa at Iowa's best it's got to give. Middle of January. That season. Every year. Is guaranteed to be a surprise. From 50s to -30s and everything in between. Practically any legal weapon. Send it I say.

Hunter numbers are on the decline. This is a hunting community that should foster hunting. Teach the neighbor once you've taught the kin.

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Most of those counties have 1-2% land open to public hunting. I'd be fine w/ open to NR as long as it is valid on private land only.
Most of those counties have 1-2% land open to public hunting. I'd be fine w/ open to NR as long as it is valid on private land only.
Most of the state is what, 1-2% public? Less than?

Today, the last remaining stretch of hunting season, particularly the one I wait for all year, that ends on the 19th, bonus and population MGMT currently has this many tags available:

If they, the DNR, has deemed that allowable for population management, why not increase the odds for NR on that particular hunt?

...Christ that's 3xxx tags that'll more than likely go unsold, for these 2 seasons! Offer em up to NR too, if the Rs are going to let them go to waste.

Last 7 days- OTC quota. R/NR-first come first serve. Gives Rs PLENTY of time to purchase a license, gives plenty of opportunity, the same opportunity we are always chatting about getting...
Just think how much our deer population is going to grow when we annex the bottom tier of Minnesota!
I had to dust off my ole twitter account to chirp at that Iowa chud who suggested that.

People from Iowa come up to our lake country and scoff at $4.50/scoop fatheads but are gonna pretend like they'd be willing to fork over the cash to buy parts of MN? Delusional.
I had to dust off my ole twitter account to chirp at that Iowa chud who suggested that.

People from Iowa come up to our lake country and scoff at $4.50/scoop fatheads but are gonna pretend like they'd be willing to fork over the cash to buy parts of MN? Delusional.
What a tool. And people wonder why no one has much faith in the government. How can you even suggest this with a straight face.

What kills me about the fatheads being $4.50 a dozen, is they count them out 1 by 1. I don't ever pay attention to how much they are, because the bait shop has them and you need the minnows, but I think where we go in Canada they are $10 a scoop. Here a schoop of minnows are literally a scoop a scoop of minnows. I'm going to the bait shop shortly and he lets me self serve.