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Devaluing Non-Residents

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Fall is the best time of the year to live in these western states for many of us, especially hunters. There are many other great things about these states as well. But it’s not all perfect. We also deal with lots of crappy weather throughout the year. Lots of us live in small towns, which I love, but we deal with many inconveniences like having much less amenities, traveling hours to go certain medical appointments, etc. Cheaper and easier to get tags is one benefit that is very fair as far as being a resident. I’ve hunted antelope and elk successfully in WY waiting 7 years for my antelope tag and 11 for my elk tag and probably spent $2500 between the points and licenses. The money never bothered me, and I’m not wealthy with 3 kids. Waiting that long for those hunts when residents can draw them every other year also never bothered me at all. It felt completely fair. Also, buzz makes a great point about the cow tags a non res can buy every year there. Rifle cow hunting is some of the most fun hunts I’ve had. The only reason I don’t go there every year for that is simply a lack of time, and that’s my choice. WY is beyond fair to non res hunters and I wouldn’t blame their residents in the least for wanting more opportunity for themselves.
Maybe since NR's pay more for a NR fishing license in MN, the NR limits should be doubled. Is it asking too much for more NR opportunity?

You think rjthe"fisherman" would be ok with that?
So based on this analogy and I pay like 20 times more for my elk tag than you do, do I get 20 elk?
Most of the people bitching on here come from states being flooded with immigrants, want to defund the police, and dont know what symbol to put on a bathroom. Take off your dress and quit being a pussy. Move to a state that you want to hunt yearly or shut the #*^@#* up
Most of the people bitching on here come from states being flooded with immigrants, want to defund the police, and dont know what symbol to put on a bathroom. Take off your dress and quit being a pussy. Move to a state that you want to hunt yearly or shut the #*^@#* up

I know it’s probably impossible but stay classy …
Most of the people bitching on here come from states being flooded with immigrants, want to defund the police, and dont know what symbol to put on a bathroom. Take off your dress and quit being a pussy. Move to a state that you want to hunt yearly or shut the #*^@#* up
As @Big Fin has talked about many times, a structured application/tag plan is very important for the traveling hunter. I usually get lucky once a year in a draw, if not more, and can always hunt spring bear in Idaho and fall bear in California. Add in waterfowl and I'm never looking for a hunt. Do Wyoming's tag fees hurt? Yes, but they wont stop me from heading to the Cowboy State every five years.
Funny how many meetings I have attended in the 307 and never heard Wyoming resident "blowhards" rant about lack of opportunity because of nonresidents. I've never witnessed at meetings or anywhere else "hatred" towards NR. Do Wyo Residents want to be treated the same in their own state as other states treat their residents; damn straight.

You and others on here are the ones spewing the hatred. You just made that shit up, plain and simple. The real truth is, you bitch and moan until Wyoming residents like me finally say "you don't like it hunt somewhere else" or " want a general tag every year, than pay your dues as a resident". If you want to cry about the special fee increase, cry to who pushed it. It wasn't resident hunters.

Give me a freaking break dude. You residents get treated like kings. You get a general elk and a general deer tag guaranteed every single year and you bitch that you don’t have more opportunity at the lq tags.

Thats what this is all about!

So call it however you want but you’re wrong because it’s you and the other Wyoming narcissist that are spewing the hatred and have been for years across a ton of forums. So many in fact that one of you has been banned from one and HATED on the others lmao.

You just don’t like it when someone calls your asses out on your greed for more tags because that’s the agenda that you guys vomit out constantly with your snarky and hateful posts.

You guys won’t stop until you have stripped every opportunity you can from nonresidents. And to be honest, I can’t wait until you have all the tags and the infighting between you and the outfitters begin as you squabble over who gets those tags.

I’ll be there with my bag of popcorn.

Give me a freaking break dude. You residents get treated like kings. You get a general elk and a general deer tag guaranteed every single year and you bitch that you don’t have more opportunity at the lq tags.

Thats what this is all about!

So call it however you want but you’re wrong because it’s you and the other Wyoming narcissist that are spewing the hatred and have been for years across a ton of forums. So many in fact that one of you has been banned from one and HATED on the others lmao.

You just don’t like it when someone calls your asses out on your greed for more tags because that’s the agenda that you guys vomit out constantly with your snarky and hateful posts.

You guys won’t stop until you have stripped every opportunity you can from nonresidents. And to be honest, I can’t wait until you have all the tags and the infighting between you and the outfitters begin as you squabble over who gets those tags.

I’ll be there with my bag of popcorn.

...and who gets to pay for all the tags.
Wow, 29 pages and nothing is solved. The way these threads go always gives me cause to shake my head. I understand all the positions and why each feels the way they do.

All of that said, these kind of threads remind me why we have such a hard time making progress with the many huge issues facing hunters. Lots of valuable time and energy invested, to what end result?

I think I’ll send this one to the scrap heap.

I appreciate everyone who does whatever they can for wildlife and hunting. I would put the HT community on a pedestal of example for advocating (verb). Even at that, the level of disagreement and the passion for those opposing positions can get counterproductive when it rises (sinks is a better word) to the predictable name calling and personal insults.

Not a single word here has changed anything about the realities; state-base wildlife authority, smaller herds across the west, disease, droughts, hard winters, invasive species, habitat destruction/degradation, NRs paying more, more competition for less opportunity, shrinking access, population booming in the west, groups wanting to end hunting, (insert here).

You are all welcome at my camp. It’s time to go to another thread where we might do something constructive.
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