Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

2024 Garden!

They do get a bit watery but it cooks out as you make it into pasta sauce. Or let it sit in the sink for half a day or so and most of the water disappears. Takes about 6 hours or so of simmering to get a big batch made. Just freeze them in freezer bags nothing fancy
Ok this would be huge for me. Work is nuts in the summer. I've got nothing but time come winter. Thanks!
Do you guys can any tomatoes? Planning on putting in a big garden next year, tomatoes being the majority of what I plant. My sister makes alot oftomatoe juice every year and ill drink a pint everyday until it's gone. Also, electric fence or cattle panels to keep deer out of garden??
Deer love tomatoes so if you know you have a lot of deer around probably will need it unless you plant enough to share. You need a tall fence though, orchard fence or whatever like 7 feet tall ideally, so if you can get away without it would be easier. Getting ready to build one, found out they love beets too, wife was going to experiment with beet sugar but the deer had other plans for them.
I had to rearrange about 4 dozen vac sealed tomatoes to make room for some more meat. We freeze then whole and then thaw and dice and stew them as you would fresh. No issues.