Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

2024 Garden!

They do get a bit watery but it cooks out as you make it into pasta sauce. Or let it sit in the sink for half a day or so and most of the water disappears. Takes about 6 hours or so of simmering to get a big batch made. Just freeze them in freezer bags nothing fancy
Ok this would be huge for me. Work is nuts in the summer. I've got nothing but time come winter. Thanks!
Do you guys can any tomatoes? Planning on putting in a big garden next year, tomatoes being the majority of what I plant. My sister makes alot oftomatoe juice every year and ill drink a pint everyday until it's gone. Also, electric fence or cattle panels to keep deer out of garden??
Deer love tomatoes so if you know you have a lot of deer around probably will need it unless you plant enough to share. You need a tall fence though, orchard fence or whatever like 7 feet tall ideally, so if you can get away without it would be easier. Getting ready to build one, found out they love beets too, wife was going to experiment with beet sugar but the deer had other plans for them.
I had to rearrange about 4 dozen vac sealed tomatoes to make room for some more meat. We freeze then whole and then thaw and dice and stew them as you would fresh. No issues.
20250208_142157.jpg20250208_142152.jpg20250208_142149.jpg20250208_142145.jpg several lettuce varieties, two carrot varieties, sugar snap peas, onions, Dill, kale, cabbage is an experiment.

I've actually started aeeding in my spring summer varieties today as we have had high 70's to low 80's for highs the last few weeks. It's better ti gamble with a late freeze/frost than battle the that and insects.
Working on 2025 garden now. Got onion seeds started inside and will be starting some other seeds on Monday. I start most of mine inside with grow lights because growing season can be rather short in Wyoming. Corn, peppers, jalapenos, and tomatoes get started on Monday when I take off my gig job.
If I start the 2025 garden thread now is there a way to block/stop @JShane from posting pictures of his garden just when all of us wanna be gardeners are thinking we are doing good at gardening? 😊

I walked past my frozen compost pile this morning and thought about how I need a good tractor bucket full on each garden this spring. It actually won’t be long now, it’s February, the sun doesn’t set until 5:28 tomorrow. It is troubling we have not had any snow to speak of. I’m afraid we will be watering early and often this year, but that’s an excuse to set up a decent watering system. Wally World is starting to get their gardening stuff out. I don’t buy anything from them, but it’s fun to see! I ordered a bunch of native plants for my prairie area last week!
Working on 2025 garden now. Got onion seeds started inside and will be starting some other seeds on Monday. I start most of mine inside with grow lights because growing season can be rather short in Wyoming. Corn, peppers, jalapenos, and tomatoes get started on Monday when I take off my gig job.
I’ve always just put my starts in the window. Any grow lights you’d recommend?
I’ve always just put my starts in the window. Any grow lights you’d recommend?
Buy yourself at least one of these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CK93G46H?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title
You also need a timer to turn lights on and off in 12 hr cycles.
I also recommend one of these to keep soil temp for seed trays at right temperature.
If you want big onion bulbs like I do now, get the seeds started now and research Youtube for hints on growing big onions. I did that and got me a bag of onions hanging in a mesh type laundry bag still. If you keep them dry they can last close to a year.
If I start the 2025 garden thread now is there a way to block/stop @JShane from posting pictures of his garden just when all of us wanna be gardeners are thinking we are doing good at gardening? 😊

I walked past my frozen compost pile this morning and thought about how I need a good tractor bucket full on each garden this spring. It actually won’t be long now, it’s February, the sun doesn’t set until 5:28 tomorrow. It is troubling we have not had any snow to speak of. I’m afraid we will be watering early and often this year, but that’s an excuse to set up a decent watering system. Wally World is starting to get their gardening stuff out. I don’t buy anything from them, but it’s fun to see! I ordered a bunch of native plants for my prairie area last week!
Yeah but then you would have to deal with my pictures LOL. I got close to two bushels of jalapenos last year.
If you want big onion bulbs like I do now, get the seeds started now and research Youtube for hints on growing big onions. I did that and got me a bag of onions hanging in a mesh type laundry bag still. If you keep them dry they can last close to a year.
I’ve never considered starting onions. The last two years I’ve planted them outside on 4/12. It’s a coincidence that it was the same day, but they end up fine. Maybe not huge, but baseball size anyways.
With the very warm February we were having, I almost started planting some lettuce and peas but decided to wait a couple weeks. Does look like a return to normal temps this week so probably not a bad call.

I did plant two things over the winter though. One elberta peach tree and a fuyu persimmon tree. They're a couple years from producing still but I'm looking forward to when they do.