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‘22 gardening

Anyone have bees as part of your gardening?

Fascinating creatures.

Besides all the bees stuff, my garden production is much better with bees around. Pollination rates and fruit are higher. I notice a difference between when I have and don’t have a hive buzzing around.

Of course, they’re always trying to die. My hive swarmed away while I was backing last August.
I have two hives that I keep at work. I say keep very loosely. In five years we've never been able to keep a hive over winter.
Big ak garden. Building new home so beautiful wife will have raised beds around the house. Automatic rain water system no watering.
Also raise meat rabbits. Mulching the manure. Straw sucks up urine. Composted n mulched, looks like fine topsoil. Great for pots of fresh herbs on deck.
Tomatoes n cukes, marigolds n praying mantis for pest control. Big pantry of canned goods.
Oh yeah, have to hunt tooooo. Moose, boos, salmon Halibut. Living the dream man
If that's the case let me encourage you to return. Duck season would be a lot more enjoyable with that kind of weather.
The resurgence of this thread has me craving fresh asparagus. We have a patch that we started 3 years ago but haven’t really harvested off of yet, but I have several wild patches I harvest from. Steak, fresh asparagus, and a big old baked potato on the traeger sound pretty dang good.
The resurgence of this thread has me craving fresh asparagus. We have a patch that we started 3 years ago but haven’t really harvested off of yet, but I have several wild patches I harvest from. Steak, fresh asparagus, and a big old baked potato on the traeger sound pretty dang good.
Pics or it didn't happen
The resurgence of this thread has me craving fresh asparagus. We have a patch that we started 3 years ago but haven’t really harvested off of yet, but I have several wild patches I harvest from. Steak, fresh asparagus, and a big old baked potato on the traeger sound pretty dang good.
Supposedly the ditch on our road and the next section over is loaded with asparagus. Didn't get moved in until Sept. Last year so we will see this spring.
Supposedly the ditch on our road and the next section over is loaded with asparagus. Didn't get moved in until Sept. Last year so we will see this spring.
You should be able to tell now, the fern bush are distinctive.
Wild horseradish may be there
Our neighbor lady has since passed but she would make horseradish from the wild plants in the pastures and in return bring us a jar of it. If you ever needed to clear your sinuses you didn’t even have to open the jar. That was some potent stuff!
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