2024 Garden!

With the very warm February we were having, I almost started planting some lettuce and peas but decided to wait a couple weeks. Does look like a return to normal temps this week so probably not a bad call.

I did plant two things over the winter though. One elberta peach tree and a fuyu persimmon tree. They're a couple years from producing still but I'm looking forward to when they do.
Your root crops like radishes, carrots, beets you can plant now. Just put a one inch layer of mulch over them to hold moisture and heat until they sprout. If super hard frost is expected cover the plants with more mulch then remove the mulch when it is warm. I plant my radishes and that in early March but they can go in the ground now.
The ground and raised bed are froze solid. Most of the beds are dry no fall rains to get things damp to get through the winter. I think everything is freeze dried anyway.