2024 Garden!

We got some serious heat hitting us again. Garden will really grow again. We got an inch or rain last Thursday and probably another half inch Saturday so it’s ready lol
Maybe some actual relief is here. Forecast for the next week has no highs above 90 and rain chance over 50% each day. We got half an inch from the first summer storm of the year last night. Unreal how dry it has been here. We were right on the cusp of being considered in extreme drought.

For the garden itself, tomatoes have been doing great. My cherokee purples have about dried up but some others have started showing up finally. Still a fair amount of cherries. Peppers are looking good, going to do a big batch of pickled peppers once they all turn red. Still getting an occasional squash and zucchini.

Cukes, beans, corn, and okra are all gone. Okra would've loved this weather if I would've planted it later.
None of you will believe this.
Walked into the newest greenhouse yesterday and see the bunny gate had been moved a little. Thought the wind did it. Walk to the backend and my ripe tomato was laying in the dirt and had been rolled around. Looked at it and it had teeth marks but no actual chunk out of it. Looked closed and had a doe deer walk in. She did eat half of a green tomato eaten. Went to the other greenhouse in another direction and found a half ripe tomato eaten and one tomato laying on the ground. She did come back during the morning going for more. Dog and I chased her as best we could out of the place. We both hobble around so it wasn't much of a chase. We closed the half doors and built a tall gate for the one she walked into. Get rid of the bunnies and now it's deer.At daylight will see what happened during the night.

Now I have robins hitting the redbud trees hard (which is okay) but when my choke cherries come on the war will start. CC jam and syrup is to die for.
Are those wild or cultivated? They look great. I'm most likely going to plant a Thornless variety next year. Need to investigate which ones are best for my growing region.
Thornless from my patch at the house. I have a patch for strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. This is the first year I'm getting fruit from the blackberry bushes.
Those peaches look amazing!

How do you keep the worms away? My local pear and apple tree spot are always destroyed by the buggers
I don't know, just lucky, I guess. Worms have aways hit my apples hard, but I just cut around them and make apple sauce. I had a couple of pear trees before the fire, and I never had much problem with worms in them. Now this is the second year the peach tree has produced, and I haven't seen any sign of worms. My biggest problem is that my oldest daughters dog pulls the lower ones off the tree and throws them around the yard chasing them like a ball.
I don't know, just lucky, I guess. Worms have aways hit my apples hard, but I just cut around them and make apple sauce. I had a couple of pear trees before the fire, and I never had much problem with worms in them. Now this is the second year the peach tree has produced, and I haven't seen any sign of worms. My biggest problem is that my oldest daughters dog pulls the lower ones off the tree and throws them around the yard chasing them like a ball.
I can see my ball crazed dog doing the same if I lived in a warm enough area for peaches!
I've been getting quite a few beans from the 3 remaining plants. Cherry tomatoes are getting ripe slow enough to keep up with them, but that may change soon. The plant has really taken off lately. I dig up potatoes as needed. Ain't fit for man nor beast out there today so I'm waiting for the sun to go down before I go out and pick. 87, 68% humidity and not a breeze to be found.
Tomatoes are finally starting to ripen. Peppers are going crazy and I'm excited to figure out what to do with them all. After the big windstorm we had, I was really worried some of the plants weren't going to make it but somehow everything but one corn stalk survived.

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