Caribou Gear

WY NR hunters bend over...


"You seem really confrontational for some reason. The intelligence and other various insults are real classy as well. Do you always act like this?"

Yes, for some reason I seem to get that way when people lie about what I post.

"It's not my job to prove your statements to be true. You brought up auction tag numbers and made some statements about where Wyoming ranked compared to other states but never bothered to give any actual data to prove your point."

I CLEARLY said 3 times you can find the info on the WYG&F website. I CLEARLY told you exactly where to find the info. Why do you need me to hold your hand???

"I also never said you were lying, not sure where you came up with that."

Well I'm here to tell you that you most definitely lied about my post. I clearly said Wyoming sold the 2nd most auction tags, not 1st as you claim.

All you had to do was say something like Wyoming has XX auction tags which is only behind ? State in the total number of auction tags sold which makes them #2 in the country. Wyoming is also ahead of ?State and ?State who have XX and XX number of auction tags. Pretty simple.

WHY??? I'm not going to go back at the next 10 western states to check if they added one or two or three auction tags to be precisely accurate. There is no need. NOBODY is a close 3rd. You see that is how these states sell out the public land, little at a time to minimize criticism like Utah brazenly receives. But most states have just 5 to 10, not 100 or 500.

With regards to how other folks rank states, most people are not even aware Wyoming has so many auction tags. Some are, but most are not. Had a MM thread going earlier that confirmed this to be true. Not 100% positive, but extremely likely.

"Anyhow you are entitled to your opinion."

Thanks for your enlightenment.
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As a non-resident, I have had the exact opposite experience. My family and I have been hunting WY every other year or so since 1989. We have learned that if you want lower hunter pressure, don't hunt on the weekends. Once the sun comes up on Saturday morning the resident trucks really take over.

Very true! That's because we can work full time and then just drive 1-2 hours to our hunting spot and hunt the weekend. It's easier for us vs a non-resident needing to take a whole week off from work due to travel constraints. I like to hunt on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. You avoid the 3 day-weekend crowd! Lol
More than likely we get swamped because of all the enticing leftover antelope tags and easy to draw region c deer tags. There is a serious lack of accessible public land, so it really puts pressure on those areas by herding everyone to them. It doesn't matter what day of the week it is.

It's pretty amazing the state still sells all those tags knowing that the majority of NR have no clue what they are getting themselves into. So when you try to run out to a little half section of blm on a weekday morning and there is a dozen rigs sitting there, it gets very frustrating. I can only imagine what a NR feels having spent all that money and driving all that way to have the same issue.
WHY??? I'm not going to go back at the next 10 western states to check if they added one or two or three auction tags to be precisely accurate. There is no need. NOBODY is a close 3rd. You see that is how these states sell out the public land, little at a time to minimize criticism like Utah brazenly receives. But most states have just 5 to 10, not 100 or 500.

With regards to how other folks rank states, most people are not even aware Wyoming has so many auction tags. Some are, but most are not. Had a MM thread going earlier that confirmed this to be true. Not 100% positive, but extremely likely.


You just keep doing the same thing over and over while not giving any information. If you want to back up your statements with a actual numbers and have an adult conversation that would be great.

OTOH if you just want to make personal insults while avoiding posting any information to back up your statements there is no need to continue. Your last post is a perfect example. You claim that the state who sells the 3rd most auction tags is way behind Wyoming but you dont' say how much the difference is or what state is #3. Then you imply that Wyoming has 100 - 500 auction tags compared to other states who have 5-10. Can you confirm any of those numbers to be true? Does Wyoming really have close to 500 auction tags?

I really am interested in what you are claiming I just would prefer to have a civil discussion instead of the personal insults and trash talking that you continue to do. It is simply not necessary.

What states are you talking about "selling out the public land a little at a time"?
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Zim and are starting to bore everyone. You guys about done?

Yea. I dont' think Zim is going to back up any of his claims so yes I think it is about done. I was really wanting to hear about Wyoming having 100 - 500 auction tags as well as which states are selling our public land a little at a time. If true that is really alarming.

I was hopeful that this could turn into an adult discussion comparing the various states and how each one handles auction tags. Unfortunately it was more about dodging and personal insults. It's too bad as Zim pointed out most people are not aware of the number of auction tags available in each state, this would have been an opportunity to get that information out and discuss it.

If Wyoming truly is auctioning off 100 - 500 tags every year for big game and is selling out the public land, little at a time to minimize criticism (as Zim claims). That is a big deal and people should be made aware of what is happening. Thanks for letting us know Zim.
IIRC, there are 45 commission tags and 25 governors a total of around 70.

As far as selling public lands...dont know anything about that.
I believe there are 56 commissioner's tags (7 commissioners x 8 tags). What is the status of the bison governor's tags?
I believe there are 56 commissioner's tags (7 commissioners x 8 tags). What is the status of the bison governor's tags?

That sounds right, lots of commissioners tags and I'm not at all supportive of how the money is distributed with them.

As far as I know on the bison tags, there should be 5 available. Mysteriously quiet...and thats usually never a good thing.
What the heck, I will jump I'm as a NR. Until I receive one the much debated tags (whether there are 56 or 560), there ain't enough of them :D

Ok, now we can move on... are starting to bore everyone. You about done?

Couldn't agree more.

And roadhunter, there you have some others posting your WY totals, but if you search in the cracks there are more tags lurking under the radar which nobody wants to talk about, as mentioned. So WYF&G isn't exactly proud of their actions.

Search the MM archives if you must know the #3 auction state, or Google it. Might have been Nevada? If you find a state outside UT with more auction tags than WY you are welcome to return here and call me a liar. Seek, and ye shall find.

Why do you continue to ignore my pointing out that you clearly misquoted me on WY being #1 in auction tags? And where did I claim they had 500? Seems you love to twist other's words. Why would I want to debate someone who does that??? It's like debating with Birdman on MM. :confused:
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Couldn't agree more.

And roadhunter, there you have some others posting your WY totals, but if you search in the cracks there are more tags lurking under the radar which nobody wants to talk about, as mentioned. So WYF&G isn't exactly proud of their actions.

Search the MM archives if you must know the #3 auction state, or Google it. Might have been Nevada? If you find a state outside UT with more auction tags than WY you are welcome to return here and call me a liar. Seek, and ye shall find.

Why do you continue to ignore my pointing out that you clearly misquoted me on WY being #1 in auction tags? And where did I claim they had 500? Seems you love to twist other's words. Why would I want to debate someone who does that??? It's like debating with Birdman on MM. :confused:

I have tried to take the high road at every opportunity with you. Unfortunately you are not able to have an adult discussion. You seem to be more caught up in bogus claims and fighting instead of simply presenting the information so it could be shared with others.

I was mistaken about you claiming Wyoming was #1, you actually said #2. I simply made a mistake and am not afraid to admit I was wrong. Simple mistake, not a big deal.

You said that some states have between 5-10 auction tags and others have 100 - 500. It's written plain as day above. Not sure why you are denying that. here is your exact quote.
WHY??? I'm not going to go back at the next 10 western states to check if they added one or two or three auction tags to be precisely accurate. There is no need. NOBODY is a close 3rd. You see that is how these states sell out the public land, little at a time to minimize criticism like Utah brazenly receives. But most states have just 5 to 10, not 100 or 500.

What states have 100 - 500 auction tags?
What states are selling off public land little at a time?
What tags is Wyoming selling that are "under the radar that nobody wants to talk about" according to you?

That is your problem. You make all kinds of ridiculous claims and in the end they all turn out wrong. Then when you can't prove any of it you turn to personal insults. Wyoming does not have 100 - 500 auction tags and they are not selling off public land a little at a time. You whole point is an epic fail that is not based on reality. The fact that you continue to make outrageous claims with no information to back them up proves you don't know what you are talking about and have no intention of having an adult discussion about the topic.

Wyoming does not have 100 - 500 auction tags
Wyoming does not sell off public land a little at a time.
Wyoming does not have auction tags that are under the radar that nobody wants to talk about.

You simply made all that up. Epic fail.
So from the standpoint of someone who is about to jump in the points game, this all looks pretty bleak. I haven't been following other state's hunting regulations for very long, but doesn't this kind of thing happen quite often? I am talking about a big proposal that is eventually shot down and everyone got worked up over nothing. I'm not saying that is the case here, but in South Dakota we see proposed hunting things that are denied quite often.

Won't outfitters raise a big enough stink over this to stop something?

I'm about to start buying points this year for the first time, should I still plan on getting WY?

I am in the same situation, as I just started last year. I am 24 so I have time to build points but questioning whether or not moose and sheep is worth it. What would you guys do? And still wondering if Zim and Roadhunter are done?

I'm also interested in the other tags that WY issues that are "under the radar".

I sit on the WGBLC and I'm pretty certain I'd know about any additional transferable tags, governors tags, etc.

I think you need to clarify your statements.
I am in the same situation, as I just started last year. I am 24 so I have time to build points but questioning whether or not moose and sheep is worth it. What would you guys do?

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. Way I see it, by starting young we'll have as good a chance as any non-resident at drawing a tag eventually, regardless of the percentage of tags that go to NRs. I'd rather draw in 10-15 years, but I've come to accept the fact that it may take 30.

Regardless, I'll never be able to shell out the tens of thousands of dollars it would take to hunt canada or buy an auction tag, so if I want a bighorn, I've gotta play the lottery.

If you just want any moose, might be better off going guided in eastern Canada or DIY Alaska.
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. Way I see it, by starting young we'll have as good a chance as any non-resident at drawing a tag eventually, regardless of the percentage of tags that go to NRs. I'd rather draw in 10-15 years, but I've come to accept the fact that it may take 30.

Regardless, I'll never be able to shell out the tens of thousands of dollars it would take to hunt canada or buy an auction tag, so if I want a bighorn, I've gotta play the lottery.

If you just want any moose, might be better off going guided in eastern Canada or DIY Alaska.
That's pretty much how I see it. No matter how many times I get bent over as a NR, the only way to draw is to play the game. I can budget for the point/tag fees. Saving the amount needed for a hunt for the same species...well I just don't see that happening.
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