WY NR 50-50 special/random split...comment now

as a NR that applies via the special draw only anyways, on the surface I like the idea of more allocated tags to the special vs regular. clearly this is a very shortsighted view point though
Thanks @ buzzH. Comments submitted. I was as tactful as I could be.
Comments submitted as a resident against this move… I know a few other residents opposed as well. Since none of this is grinds on biological needs and it is not even based on financial needs.
@BuzzH On bullet 2... why would point creep explode?

People looking to unload points and get out?
My assumption was because there will be 16% fewer tags in the regular draw and the special draw prices are going to go up considerably. I would assume there will be fewer people willing to pay $1200 for an antelope tag in the special than currently apply in that draw.
@BuzzH On bullet 2... why would point creep explode?

People looking to unload points and get out?

i'll let buzz answer as well, but definitely yes on people looking to unload. i'm looking to unload.

but also, 10% fewer tags in the regular draw is 10% fewer tags to trickle through the applied point holders. there may have been 4 tags left at the 4 point level and 4 people applied at the 4 point level in a unit historically. now the switch to 50/50 wiped those 4 tags from the regular and it's a 5 point minimum unit in the regular draw. then add in potentially far more people applying in the regular due to prices in the special.

that's how i see it potentially going.
Thanks. That makes sense. I didn't consider the price at $1200. Would be that big of a factor. There seems to be no shortage of hunters with money. Look at MT deer tag prices and the line out the door to shoot a 2point.
Thanks. That makes sense. I didn't consider the price at $1200. Would be that big of a factor. There seems to be no shortage of hunters with money. Look at MT deer tag prices and the line out the door to shoot a 2point.

I bet 1200 won’t be a big enough factor to really give you substantially better odds in the special, or maybe it will? But I bet it’s for sure a big enough factor that it will increase the amount of people in the regular draw. I’m never paying 1200 for a pronghorn, but I’d for sure pay the current special price right now if it’s the only difference in getting to go or not. And I’m probably right there in the meat of the bell curve on that thinking.
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Thanks. That makes sense. I didn't consider the price at $1200. Would be that big of a factor. There seems to be no shortage of hunters with money. Look at MT deer tag prices and the line out the door to shoot a 2point.
I agree that there are going to be hunters willing to pay the special fee for all species. I imagine it will be less people for deer and pronghorn though, depending on the areas.

I think that point creep will see a decrease on the special side (again depending on area) and a dramatic increase on the regular side. I believe a 50-50 split will make it even worse on the regular side of the draw.

There are lots of issues that drive point creep, but price and tag availability have to be near the top.
As I think about this…. it will definitely affect point creep. It will slow (not fix) point creep in the special, but will accelerate creep in the regular.

For max point tags or close to max the point creep will stay the same maybe even accelerate in the special.

Think about a person with 15 lope points wanting out, has spent a decade and 1/2 working g towards a tag. Even at 1200 a tag for lopes, that is not even $100 per year… So would the tag price itself be a barrier for that person?

On the flip side I have a feeling this move will hyper inflate points on the lower units as people look to dump points before the price increases. You will see a lot of movement in the units taking 4 points etc…

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