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HB145 - Increase NR license fees

As far as the tag increase goes I would say its just capitalism. They should raise prices until tags quit selling out completely. I blame the social media influencers and outfits like huntn fool 😂. They over publicized western hunting and built business models on getting every hunter in the nation to apply, apply, apply. The result is demand way exceeds supply in western hunting. In the time it took to type this there has probably been 5 podcasts on how and why to apply in montana ha ha. Dont get mad at the fish and game its the people who are building businesses exploiting western big game hunting. The fish and game should raise nr prices until supply eqauls demand. It sucks that it will price the average hunter out but it is capitalism. Bitch to your favorite social media influencer or tag draw service not game departments. Arguments over cheap resident tags are pretty meaningless in my opinion. Most resident hunters in western states would gladly pay more if it reduced the number if nr tags. Its the demand for nr tags thats creating the price inflation. I get 3 e-mails a day on what draws i need to put in for. And I DONT suscribe to any tag draw services. Too many people trying to make money using the same business model which exploits western hunting. Too many non resident hunters chasing too few tags eqauls inflation

How did you define most?
Most of the residents I know😂. I feel like thats a pretty scientific sample size. Also , at least in Idaho, residents were in a race to buy non resident tags at non resident prices for second tags. So they obviously are not scared of high prices to hunt their home state.
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