Caribou Gear

What's on the smoker today?

Picanha aka Coulotte aka the queen of all steaks. Smoked til 117ish internal and finished on 550 grill about 5 min each side. Served on toasted ciabatta with pickled onions topped with cheddar and a buttermilk cream sauce. Best $50 sandwich I ever made
Looks good and all but where's the sandwich? ;)
Do you inject it, or let it soak for a week?

Looks amazing
I make a brine that has garlic and pickling spices in it. It sits in there for five days.

The rub is caraway, black pepper, garlic powder and ground coriander. Low smoke, 160 to 175 degrees. After several hours I will bring it up to 200 to finish. Goal is an internal temp of 155 to 160 degrees.

When ready to eat I will slice it very thin and steam it. It's really good.
I make a brine that has garlic and pickling spices in it. It sits in there for five days.

The rub is caraway, black pepper, garlic powder and ground coriander. Low smoke, 160 to 175 degrees. After several hours I will bring it up to 200 to finish. Goal is an internal temp of 155 to 160 degrees.

When ready to eat I will slice it very thin and steam it. It's really good.

What cut do you normally use?