PEAX Equipment

Bad cooks in the family?

My wife can hold her own when it comes to cooking, except when it come to meat. She likes it brown all the way, not even a hint of pink. I cook most of the meat, she is not easy to cook for. The difference between done perfectly and burnt is about three seconds on the grill or in the pan.

@Mthuntr, Sounds like you should have been a wrestler when you were younger, making weight would have never been an issue.
Former step MIL (RIP). was the worst.

Microwave a whole turkey? Why not. horrendous.

every side dish she ever made was a fuinky concoction of processed ‘food’ often with a a “why not lump a couple crappy mixes of rice a roni and other nasty fake food together.

My wife is a great cook and I do very well too so we have a ball cooking and entertaining. I was raised in a foodie family of amazing and creative cooks so had a head start. She was raised in a house with a mother who not only could not cook, simply refused to get off her duff and try. Wife and her sister were making most all of their own food from about 10 years old. Her father stayed out of the kitchen for the most part or made ground beef stirred with catsup and whatnot.
I made it off the list. First, the smoked turkey on Thanksgiving was better than the "backup" cooked in the oven. Second, today I managed a rib roast that was too close to perfect for me to be banned from the kitchen any longer.

No longer known just for my burnt offerings.

Well I snuck compound butter under the skin before mom woke up. She wasn't real happy. I also pulled it nearly 1hr before it was "done". I cut it with a slightly sharp butter knife that identifies as a carving knife.

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