Well There Goes Idaho

Jim Anderson,

Very lucid explanation.

I have 3 sisters in California. Two old ones are stuck. Medical, aging, assorted problems.

Sister closest to me in age and in family, I ask almost daily when she is leaving. Cannot; her kids have roots there with their family.

Life can be hell; handle it the best you can.

I do not think any of my sisters voted a liberal candidate in their life.
I’m not active in many other corners of social media...even fishing forums. I haven’t noticed anything more openly prejudice lately than “those Californians” and “they” and “them”.

Seriously you sound like a bunch of uneducated, racist morons.

If I’ve offended, lighten up I’m just joking.
I’m not active in many other corners of social media...even fishing forums. I haven’t noticed anything more openly prejudice lately than “those Californians” and “they” and “them”.

Seriously you sound like a bunch of uneducated, racist morons.

If I’ve offended, lighten up I’m just joking.
Never knew Californian was a "race".....
I would say that if you run into one of us crazy Californians in your home town, that I bet they would love to be accepted. The ones that have completely drunk the Kool-Aid from back home wouldn’t be leaving anyway- so I bet some help and knowledge would really open their eyes.
Problem is some of those Kool-Aid Californian, NY, etc... Pick your metropolitan, concrete jungle location (now considered a race??? 🙄 ) crippled by their politics have run off to small cities / towns and brought their Kool-Aid supply. The description you shared above are the generalities that cast the common theme of the "Californian" who moved to ID, MT, etc...
Those arriving, not to change our stream access laws, claim "The Last Best Place" as their own, etc... are welcomed as another American moving to the place of their dreams as the rest of us "Non-native Americans" have chosen. 😉 🙂
Who do Californians get to blame for moving in a ruining California? The same pesky white people whose ancestors immigrated from Europe? How do you tell them apart from the so-called "Natives"? I'm confused?

Let me sound like a so-called Montana native or whoever using my way of thinking. "I'm a 4th generation US Army Veteran and I'm so sick of the non-Veterans (AKA Pussy's) complaining about Americans doing what we have all done for the past 244 years and that is moving to wherever makes us happy". I wonder if my Dad in Vietnam, Grandpa in WWII or Great Grandpa in WWI ever cared where the guy fighting next him was from? I'll have to ask Dad? I know I served next to great guys from all over the country

Unless you're from the local Indian tribe, you'll always be classified as an exotic species on the North American landscape no matter how many generations you are. So just shut up because you sound like an idiot. And yes I'm one of the idiots that complains about others from other places too.

Sucks how this country in getting so divided

Happy Valentines Day pumpkins ;)

carry on...
Interesting, a few HT posters who've given their 👍 and (or) directly posted their, Holier than thou posts have also commented about "Jersey" Gianforte or Matt Rosendale for their non originated MT roots that brought along their $ and politics into MT... The fearful, "Our public Lands in Boot's Only Hands are in jeopardy!!!"

Carry on, oh righteous ones.🤨
They are coming to make montana & Idaho a better place> Higher taxes so government can govern more> safer with gun control but no worries you can keep a gun to use for hunting if its not a black one> no predator hunting that way all the wilds are natural and hunting in our perfect world won't be a part of game management. Come on its going to be such a great utopia we can all wear our patagonia and sip the black magic starbucks . OMG can't you just wait? Well its not 2035 yet but they are coming from all over and your Bozeman will be so much better than Denver ever was.
So how do we classify an “ultra-conservative” Californian that leaves California because it is too liberal and brings his perspective into an area and attempts to turn it from purple to solid red?
My head is gonna explode. It’s all to complex for my Montana mind to understand.
@jlmatthew good post. Here are my thoughts about it...

Who do Californian's blame? Californians.
Same w/ MT. I blame myself and fellow resident Montanans.
Same w/ America. I blame myself and Americans.
We are our community, State, Country. With that, I join you as one of those who complain... I dislike some jack ass that brings her Berkeley / Frisco liberal ideals for Criminal Sanctuary Cities into our State's politics... As an example. If I don't voice my opposition then I too am to blame for not voicing my concern...

This is why you vote for Colorado Representatives, etc. Californians vote for Californian Representatives, NY votes for NY Representatives, and yes, why we, as Americans vote for American Representatives.

I sure as shit never made an adverse comment about veterans. Nor would I ever. I've made comments about the activities I disagree with by those from areas where those activities occur, voted representative who implemented those activities, such as Criminal Sanctuary Cities.
If people are leaving 'cuz they're sick of the crap they live in... Great! Be sure to leave the soiled laundry your escaping and welcome! No state has state immigration border ports of entry. We DO have the right to voice our complaints... I imagine you value that right.

You're far from an idiot to "complain about others from other places too."

As for your Non Native American comment... Right there with ya! It's flat out BS, the comments by HT members who declare their "Native Montanan" status - shall we bow down? Nah, a middle finger is all the energy I have for them. Really... if we dug beyond Native "Americans" what Neanderthal resided prior?

We are residents of our state. We are allowed to move wherever the hell we want in America and... we are able to complain about shits that push their prior resident crap on us in our community/state and heck, even our country.
@jlmatthew good post. Here are my thoughts about it...

Who do Californian's blame? Californians.
Same w/ MT. I blame myself and fellow resident Montanans.
Same w/ America. I blame myself and Americans.
We are our community, State, Country. With that, I join you as one of those who complain... I dislike some jack ass that brings her Berkeley / Frisco liberal ideals for Criminal Sanctuary Cities into our State's politics... As an example. If I don't voice my opposition then I too am to blame for not voicing my concern...

This is why you vote for Colorado Representatives, etc. Californians vote for Californian Representatives, NY votes for NY Representatives, and yes, why we, as Americans vote for American Representatives.

I sure as shit never made an adverse comment about veterans. Nor would I ever. I've made comments about the activities I disagree with by those from areas where those activities occur, voted representative who implemented those activities, such as Criminal Sanctuary Cities.
If people are leaving 'cuz they're sick of the crap they live in... Great! Be sure to leave the soiled laundry your escaping and welcome! No state has state immigration border ports of entry. We DO have the right to voice our complaints... I imagine you value that right.

You're far from an idiot to "complain about others from other places too."

As for your Non Native American comment... Right there with ya! It's flat out BS, the comments by HT members who declare their "Native Montanan" status - shall we bow down? Nah, a middle finger is all the energy I have for them. Really... if we dug beyond Native "Americans" what Neanderthal resided prior?

We are residents of our state. We are allowed to move wherever the hell we want in America and... we are able to complain about shits that push their prior resident crap on us in our community/state and heck, even our country.
Return to the calm of nature, Grasshopper.
I was born and raised in Southern California. Went to College in San Diego and stayed there until two years ago (age 45). Worked in biotech for close on 20 years.

I wanted to leave for a long time, but I placed a lot of value on being close to family, and letting my folks be the grandparents they wanted to be. Eventually, however, as my son neared High School, we decided that it was now or never. We moved to CO to a town of 2500 people.

Californians aren’t bad folks by and large. The culture there, however, is in my opinion, not very healthy. Its difficult to articulate, but mostly I think that it boils down to one main driver: the idea that everyone’s opinion is important in all things, and it needs to be heard. That breeds self-importance and entitlement. Combine that with a culture that praises “virtue” Ahead of knowledge, and you create an echo chamber reality with only certain accepted views.

We fought it every year at school, and tried our best to parent that out of our son. We saw it at school, church, with friends, etc. It was fascinating at times. Add to that my love of hunting and shooting guns- and Whoo boy that’ll make you a pariah real quick. Ha!

Also, everything is so damned expensive, that most folks can’t save squat, or there would be many more leaving just to escape the poverty. We never bought into the “bigger is better” approach, and so toughed it out in an 800 square foot condo for 15 years (that we sold for $405K! When we left).

Now we have a smallish house in town with a garage/shop that I’ve always dreamed of with a small mortgage. We can shoot on BLM right down the road, and we have two guns that would make me a felon in CA. Plus we can hunt and fish to our heart’s content.

I would say that if you run into one of us crazy Californians in your home town, that I bet they would love to be accepted. The ones that have completely drunk the Kool-Aid from back home wouldn’t be leaving anyway- so I bet some help and knowledge would really open their eyes.
SDSU/USD/UCSD? I have a cousin who teaches at SDSU.
My story sounds similar. I still have family there, packed in like sardines.

B.S in Biology from SDSU. Graduated in ‘98.

Yah missing family is the only negative I’ve found so far.
...well that and no In-N-Out. Ha!!

B.S in Biology from SDSU. Graduated in ‘98.

Yah missing family is the only negative I’ve found so far.
...well that and no In-N-Out. Ha!!
My cousin is in the Art department at SDSU after working years in Balboa Park Museum of Fine Art.
Not sure where you moved to, but you can make a trip down to CoSprings sometime in 2020 and grab a double double.

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