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Well There Goes Idaho

Bah! Heresy - I proclaim! Conifer's Mana, and road grinder gutwash. The prime value for non-elitist road hunters... Grouse, it's what's for dinner around the fire.
And back to our scheduled programming...

Numb nuts that are not in the least concerned over a new neighbor are... Far and few.
It's the same concept...
"Is s/he going to push their agenda on our community or enjoy what this community offers?"
Is s/he an asshole?"

City folk defined by the concrete jungle are somewhat skewed in the principles found in 4 season country folk living...Some definitely seek change to a slower pace, enjoy the outdoor type setting and are well accepted.
Others arrive throwing their concrete jungle gauntlet ideals down as they did not arrive for sake of slowing down the life pace and "smelling the pines", rather moved to buy a big cool house (.10¢ to their small house sold at the $) and work for some company with kids going to well regarded schools (in comparison to their city drugo schools).

"What???" You say? We disagree on an internet forum? Can't be!!! 😲 The horror...

Cheers all. Oh, and cheers for your opinion. 😉
I'll wait for chastity belts to become a progressive policy plank & roll the portfolio dice.
A rebranding will definitely be in order if it becomes a progressive policy plank. Will wait for suggestions as to a more politically correct name than “chastity belt “.
Thought this was about Idaho but you know how that goes here......from what I read from some of you tannys, an influx of Californians should move ya'll closer to the center, especially Lamb. :)
I forgot to add.. in addition to “January” with that lovely 20+ mph wind, and squeaky snow, newcomers get the opportunity to be a real local and bang up a perfectly good truck or car hitting a deer or two!

In October when I was there, my ranching buddy hit #3 for the year and his truck was getting pretty banged up.
I thought that I was following the detour “already” taken! memtb
I'm not a political person, could care less about Rs &Ds, and respect the hell out of Randy, but have to agree that you didnt take that detour. That one was a head scratcher
Some one hit this hanging curve out'a the park :)
Wow- I struggle w/ absolutist of any fashion. This is no different.

Let's take for example a man who, in 1974 after serving his country in Vietnam (68-69) and starting his career as an electrician, had a family, and decided he wanted a better way of life for his wife and kids. That man took a job w/ the power company in Walla Walla, Washington and then took a transfer to Sandpoint, Idaho. He continued his career, bought a small hobby farm (20 acres) raised cows, raised pigs, raised rabbits. He hunted, he fished, he camped, he hiked, all the while respecting the land, the people of the community, and taught his children to do the same.
Do you hate that man as well? He raised a family, supported the community, paid his taxes, he helped his neighbor(s) and killed more giant Mountain Whitetail in unit 1, then most. He was born and raised in Los Angeles. He died a man from Idaho.

Thanks, Dad.

No I don’t hate any individual from California. People take these aggregate post discussions very literally. No one can talk about anything in the aggregate.

It is not like I said you know Harvey I don’t like your dad even though he did all these amazing things for you. Sounds like he was a damn good dad.

It is more like thanks California for giving us Hollywood, Spying Silicon Valley, the alphabet soup politics of San Francisco, and the institutionalization of sanctuary cities, and to top it all off we are going to rub your face in our beautiful cash as we destroy you middle of the country folks with our bukoo real estate bucks.

So yeah I hate “Kalifornians” but I like and aspire to good people who live honorable, righteous and self sustaining lives. Especially the ones who sacrifice to take care of their families.
FWIW I find these types of threads very interesting. I hope to hunt Idaho this year and getting people’s views on what’s happening on the ground makes a hunt trip even better.
Newcomers always screw up a good thing. Just ask the Nez Perce and Shoshone.

It is more like thanks California for giving us Hollywood, Spying Silicon Valley, the alphabet soup politics of San Francisco, and the institutionalization of sanctuary cities, and to top it all off we are going to rub your face in our beautiful cash as we destroy you middle of the country folks with our bukoo real estate bucks.

Typed on an iphone, on a forum hosted by a server in silicon valley, built by an Indian immigrant, while in line at a movie theater.
To put a positive light on this... Montana could benefit from California Migration to the state, if FWP would hire one of the tech worker’s children to develop a draw system that actually works. ...

Californian's in CO thought our current system was "cute"... good luck.

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