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Trump is shot!

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Do you remember when trump came to town the first time and they closed airport hill and parked all those loaded dump trucks at the metra so someone could run through the crowd. Man times have changed
Obama had really good security (it seemed) when he was in Laramie too many years earlier.

It probably all seems fine though - we dont know everything they did or didnt do in every situation and/or whether there were holes or not.
It all starts at the top though. Hiring a vp because she would be the first black female? Saying you are going to put the first black female in the Supreme Court? Why even say that? Hire the best person for the job, that’s the only qualification that should exist, imo.
For the same reason a candidate might say, “I’m increasing our coal mining efforts” - it panders to a chosen voter base.
I'd be surprised if most every SS member didn't wonder what the H$ll Cheadle was thinking when she said that.

Newsflash, sometimes leaders say some really stupid things those they serve over cringe at.
Bad leaders say those things.
Of course it does. They chose diversity over ability.
I don't care who they are sleeping with. If I'm the president I want my security detail to have lots of testosterone and thousands of hours of range and training time. Along with the highest testing scores and very very high emotional EQ. The cream of the crop, best of the best, highest level of integrity type of people. Champions in what ever they do.
I don't care who they are sleeping with. If I'm the president I want my security detail to have lots of testosterone and thousands of hours of range and training time. Along with the highest testing scores and very very high emotional EQ. The cream of the crop, best of the best, highest level of integrity type of people. Champions in what ever they do.

You could replace 'president' and 'security detail' with 'dictator' and 'shock troops' and it would read very similar. Not saying Trump or the SS are either of those things, but high test and high emotional EQ don't really go together.
I don't care who they are sleeping with. If I'm the president I want my security detail to have lots of testosterone and thousands of hours of range and training time. Along with the highest testing scores and very very high emotional EQ. The cream of the crop, best of the best, highest level of integrity type of people. Champions in what ever they do.
Like Clint Eastwood character in Line of Fire.
You could replace 'president' and 'security detail' with 'dictator' and 'shock troops' and it would read very similar. Not saying Trump or the SS are either of those things, but high test and high emotional EQ don't really go together.
explain please I must be all EQ
I am saying in all levels of society people should be judged on things other than race, sex, or gender. I am not saying is doesn't get abused to one extreme or the other. Plenty of ways its get abused to the left end of the spectrum, and plenty to the right as well.

I believe that taking physiological differences between males and females, the standards set for women in LE allow them to perform their duties as a police officer. They may have to go about the job in a different manner than some male officers, but when push come to shove those requirements should allow them to perform their duties to the standard needed. Representation should matter, especially in a profession such as that. An all-male police force would not be a good or acceptable thing in 2024.
Thing is, physiological differences play a part and sometimes a big part. That can’t be ignored.

If you’re 6’4”, 245lbs, and get wounded on the battlefield and your closet support is this petite woman who passed a set of requirements for her, not a set of requirements for everyone equally. As an example. I get it, some guys might not be able to drag this person to safety quickly but the odds are on one side.

There’s a reason “men” are competing in women’s sports and not the other way around….physiological differences.
Hmmm, seemed like you were asking why someone would be openly explicit about something that may be seen by some as sub-optimal or controversial . . .
Sorry, I was talking about hiring based on gender/race. That wasn’t clear
Let’s be clear. There are fully qualified and capable people for all kinds of positions that get overlook due to presumptions and stereotypes. We should fight that. There are also unqualified and incapable people in all kinds of positions who are they because they “look the part” or knew the right people. Neither of those realities are OK. But in the pursuit of solving for these two endemic problems, we can’t lower essential objective standards or become merely “performative” in setting our standards and applying them.

It appears that this one woman is not up to her job. I think less of anyone who suggests that means no women are up to the job. I also think less of anyone who thinks everyone with a penis would somehow naturally be good at the job. Plenty of clueless cowards that are XX and XY.
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Thing is, physiological differences play a part and sometimes a big part. That can’t be ignored.

If you’re 6’4”, 245lbs, and get wounded on the battlefield and your closet support is this petite woman who passed a set of requirements for her, not a set of requirements for everyone equally. As an example. I get it, some guys might not be able to drag this person to safety quickly but the odds are on one side.

There’s a reason “men” are competing in women’s sports and not the other way around….physiological differences.

If you are 6' 4" 245#, there is an excellent chance your sergeant will be on your a$$ to lose some weight.

If you are that guy and get hit, well in war, tough shit. Soldiers get killed and wounded, all the time. Losing one large soldier won't sway a battle or war. Yes, bad for the individual soldier, a total non factor in the effort to win a battle.

Anyway, Trump's former chief of staff is on the record stating that Trump called soldiers who get killed or wounded, losers.
You have to keep in mind those are minimum requirements as well. I would hazard that the women attracted to the types of professions would not just be scoring the minimums, and would be on par with many males in their scores.

The one SS lady from the Trump shooting should not be doing that profession, I will wholeheartedly agree. But it just as easily could have been a guy doing the exact same thing. We as a society have to start judging people for the individual, not things they have no control over like race, gender, or sexual orientation. Judge someone by the content of their character. Pretty famous American once said something along those lines.
What a load of horse shit.........
Don't think there's much point explaining to a guy who figured they knew all of what a man should be after the first time they saw Predator or something lol
I think Man sells the Predator short. We need a whole new pronoun definition.
If you are 6' 4" 245#, there is an excellent chance your sergeant will be on your a$$ to lose some weight.

If you are that guy and get hit, well in war, tough shit. Soldiers get killed and wounded, all the time. Losing one large soldier won't sway a battle or war. Yes, bad for the individual soldier, a total non factor in the effort to win a battle.

Anyway, Trump's former chief of staff is on the record stating that Trump called soldiers who get killed or wounded, losers.
There we have it. The dumbest thing you will read on the internet today 🏆.
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