Trump is shot!

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Covid hit right about prime High School for the assassin. No telling what he looked at on the net during all those hours with school closed down.
Pretty sure this is inaccurate. His Hyundai Sonata was found with an IED wired to detonate remotely, and I'm pretty sure that was in the parking lot for the rally, not at HD.
I am not so sure about that...just like the FBI cant unlock his phone but know he was a lone wolf actor??
Dubs337 u shoot at me. Why do women have different standard tests then. Not shooting them down. If they capable they capable. But phycology it a problem for males. Going to combat with a women. Act react differently. Protective mode.

If you can, in your own words, explain what 'phycology' is to me, or give proof they have different tests, then I will take the time to respond.


  • Screenshot_20240717_125807_Drive.jpg
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U know what iam saying


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Do you believe the standard set for women, in either what you or @Forkyfinder posted, would inhibit them from being able to perform their duties in an effective way?
Yep, having different standards for the same job is a recipe for disaster. Especially in a team environment that’s physically demanding. Imagine the NFL having to have a certain number of people that had less ability.
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Possibly would effect them. Too many different scenarios. But would effect the team in a huge way. Honestly who would everyone protect or sacrifice for. Honestly
A lot of straight white male boomer ideology the last couple pages.

The world has changed. It has evolved past your outdated and problematic views. There is no going back. Women are just as capable as men, and as long as they can do the job effectively physically (which is also a criteria for men in some instances), that should have no bearing on whether they are hired. Sexual preference should have absolutely no bearing on hiring. Crying DEI to make yourself feel better about being misogynistic or bigoted is a complete dogwhistle and says more about you than anything else. Society is diverse, people should be represented, and the overwhelming majority of government positions in all facets are still held by straight white males, so nothing to get your panties in a bunch over.

Wonder if gender or sexual preference was brought up when talking about all the cowardly police officers at Uvalde?

Has someone hacked your account??

Two posts that coerced me to hit the like button!
Possibly would effect them. Too many different scenarios. But would effect the team in a huge way. Honestly who would everyone protect or sacrifice for. Honestly

You have to keep in mind those are minimum requirements as well. I would hazard that the women attracted to the types of professions would not just be scoring the minimums, and would be on par with many males in their scores.

The one SS lady from the Trump shooting should not be doing that profession, I will wholeheartedly agree. But it just as easily could have been a guy doing the exact same thing. We as a society have to start judging people for the individual, not things they have no control over like race, gender, or sexual orientation. Judge someone by the content of their character. Pretty famous American once said something along those lines.
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