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Trump and Newsom

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Be nice if some people who do a who am I post before they just start throwing hay makers but then again they probably don’t want people knowing who they are for a reason
Unfortunately I have been criticized on here for merely asking where someone lives and/or is from. IMO it is context helpful to discussion. Furthermore, I think a brief profile should be required for opening a HT account and posting on this public forum. I respect and admire folks whose attitude and ideology differs from mine as long as they respectfully articulate rationally But it seems too many angry folks post on here to vent without explanation of why and with disrespect for others.
Status changed: Open
A few recommendations and this isn’t directed at anyone specifically.

If you want to have internet fights about random stuff and actually think you can change a trolls mind, I’d encourage you to go somewhere else. Maybe Reddit or “elitist” Facebook groups are more up your alley.

If someone on the internet offends you to a point where you think you need to go to keyboard war, I’d recommend some self reflection. Maybe start with reading “The body keeps the score.”
You might have to do some exploring on why you get triggered the way you do.

Last and most certainly not least - for the amount some of you want to complain, poke, cry and troll about politics….. is a hunting forum really the place you want your battle royal in?
I swear, honest to God my opening question was a real question. It wasn't to start any internet war. I got my answer. Why reopen the thread? It unfortunately morphed into something far from the intent of the question.
I swear, honest to God my opening question was a real question. It wasn't to start any internet war. I got my answer. Why reopen the thread? It unfortunately morphed into something far from the intent of the question.
If you got your answer I can close it!
I just purged it and reopened it so people could stay talk (not fight).

Not relevant, but having flown on a lot of C-17s, those things are lots of fun!

They use to have support MV-22s, but those things have horrible reputations.

I’ve flown on a lot of the CV-22s and deployed with them a few times, but there are much better platforms out there.
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