the NRA is ticking me off

The democrats in office are why guns are being sold at record/paranoid levels and reloading components are impossible to come by because so many paranoid whackos are hording more components than they'll use in 10 lifetimes. How's that for a run on sentence.
I am not taking my eye off the ball at all. The democrats are stating their intentions to ban guns. The same democrats are anti hunters or are beholding to them because they are part of the democrat base. Our guns are in much greater risk of being banned than public land is being sold. Has there been any bills introduced that have any chance of passing which would sell public land?

No, but you realize it is officially in the GOP Platform, there was a senate resolution passed earlier this year and most states in the west are trying to drum up support with the Legislative craftwork of ALEC?

Contrast that to said "sweeping gun bans" that haven't happened and if they did how would they will stack up against Heller and McDonald.
Anyone that thinks the NRA isn't the main reason we haven't lost a lot more things regarding guns, ammo, etc. must be living in a vacuum. The politicians in DC are scared to death of the NRA and it's the most potent lobbying organization up there bar none!

Actually, it's the Chamber of Commerce.
If the democrats ever get the Presidency and both houses of congress, we better watch out. They will pass sweeping gun bans and it won't be just bans on ARs. Hillary has stated that she favors the Australian approach to gun control or rather "gun safety" which is what they call it now. The NRA is the premier 2nd ammendment organization, I realize they do too many mailings and stuff like that, but work hard at keeping the gun grabbers in their place. I urge everyone to join, I am a life member.

Ain't nobody more rabid a supporter of the 2nd than me. So, tell the NRA to put ALL, and I mean ALL, their money into litigation. Set up test cases and go balls to the wall. THE only way the dems can do as you say, *legally* is if they float and pass an Amendment to the Constitution. Short of that, the NRA should put their money where their mouth is, on fighting the penny-anti BS policies, rules, regulations and statutes which are written and passed by simple legislators and executives at the local, state and federal levels. The fact they don't leads me to believe, NOT that they are afraid they might lose, but, rather, they are afraid they might win and lose their reason for existence and the cash cow they have created. My five cents.

P.S. See Heller and McDonald and then ask if the NRA started those cases or if they came in later as amicus or johnny-come-latelies, claiming victory after some other poor sap or group did the heavy lifting. Real men fight on the law, they don't bully or suck political d**k. If we could only get the ACLU to defend our primary civil liberty. At least they know how to fight on the law. They just happen to be wrong on guns. The NRA should step up. But no, they play golf with the incumbent idiots we keep sending back to the Hill.

End rant.
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That's weird. In all my years I can't remember getting more than one phone call and I never get any emails from them. I do get continual mailings and they just get added to file 13 without even opening them most of the time.

Same here, been a life member for 40 years, wife and kids are lifers as well, no one gets phone calls, but do get junk mail and email - just ignore / pitch it. As said by others, not a believer in all they do, but they are the "force" protecting our gun rights.
Anyone that thinks the NRA isn't the main reason we haven't lost a lot more things regarding guns, ammo, etc. must be living in a vacuum. The politicians in DC are scared to death of the NRA and it's the most potent lobbying organization up there bar none!

Please enlighten us on who else is lobbying with the success of the NRA.

They are already addressing hunting issues and don't really need to extend themselves farther and get into the land debate. If you really want to look at it closely, there is nothing anywhere that makes it legal for the federal government to own land.
Originally Posted by Ben Lamb
The NRA-ILA, their lobbying arm, only spends $3 million per year.

Ben, they spend much more for proponents (Repubs) and much much more against opponents (Dems)...especially during election cycles.
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Please enlighten us on who else is lobbying with the success of the NRA.

They are already addressing hunting issues and don't really need to extend themselves farther and get into the land debate. If you really want to look at it closely, there is nothing anywhere that makes it legal for the federal government to own land.

And they should keep their noses out of hunting issues since they know very little about most they have been involved in.
I got tired of the requests for more and gave it up.

Still think NRA is an important cog in gun protection.

That being said, I still have the silver bullet signed by Charlton Heston years ago as a recruiting tool

That silver bullet has hung from the mirror of several and my current drug. Cannot tell you why it means so much, but it does.
Originally Posted by sbhooper
If you really want to look at it closely, there is nothing anywhere that makes it legal for the federal government to own land.

The 2nd Amendment right as stood for by NRA is the important crux of this thread, and not to stray too far from that discussion, yet the quote above begs a response

sbhooper, you may interpret the Constitution however you wish, but the overwhelming number of serious legal scholars studying and writing on the subject points to the federal Constitutional right to the public land ownership. Furthermore 125 years of US Supreme Court decisions regarding this question upholds that right of ownership on behalf of all the people under the Constitution of the United States of America.
To interpret it differently is self-serving and incorrect. If your assertion were correct, then the Sagebrush Rebellion would not have fizzled like a wet firecracker as it did. And to be clear, the states cannot "take back" ownership which they never held in the first place.
It is not a matter of your opinion versus mine, or of the Bundyesque blundering about federal government overreach. It is a matter of legal precedence and substantiated truth. But we each and all have the bravely defended right and privilege of believing whatever we wish ... true or false.
Please enlighten us on who else is lobbying with the success of the NRA.

They are already addressing hunting issues and don't really need to extend themselves farther and get into the land debate. If you really want to look at it closely, there is nothing anywhere that makes it legal for the federal government to own land.

The Constitution is clear that the Federal Government can purchase land and hold it in trust.

Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to make the Louisiana Purchase or buy Alaska.
I'm a life member of the NRA and have been for 45+ years. No harassment calls in all that time.
If not for the NRA, we'd all be bowhunting. Anyone who thinks the Democrats don't want ALL your guns is living in fantasy land. Do the names Shumer, FineSwine and Pelosi ring a bell? Not to mention lame duck O'bummer who has nothing to lose.
I too dislike all the mail I get from the NRA. But, you know what, I also dislike the NY Safe Act, Emperor Andrew Cuomo and Obummer too. So, I open it, see what they're asking and half the time, I send in a check. So, I contribute the amount of a box of rifle shells or two each time. You either think your rights are worth it to pay to protect and do so, or whine about it when they're gone.

So, I renew my annual dues each time they ask and contribute to a fight I believe firmly is worth fighting. Ask yourself, what is the alternative?
I too dislike all the mail I get from the NRA. But, you know what, I also dislike the NY Safe Act, Emperor Andrew Cuomo and Obummer too. So, I open it, see what they're asking and half the time, I send in a check. So, I contribute the amount of a box of rifle shells or two each time. You either think your rights are worth it to pay to protect and do so, or whine about it when they're gone.

So, I renew my annual dues each time they ask and contribute to a fight I believe firmly is worth fighting. Ask yourself, what is the alternative?

I save the stuff that I don't want to respond to, put it in the postage paid envelopes from the AARP and send it to those communist clowns.
I've said this before but on a different thread.

The NRA is in bed with the same Oil and Gas Industry that would love to privatize public lands.

Rob Bishop gets an A rating.
Ken Ivory gets an A rating.
The list goes on.

The NRA doesn't give a salient chit about hunting, and typically the candidates they support don't either. Under the guise of supporting the 2nd, they are a liability to hunters plain and simple.

You can take whatever horn of the dilemma you wish, but make no bones about it, by giving the NRA money you are supporting the endorsement of many of the candidates and big players who would piss on our public lands legacy. But look on the bright side, you'll be able use whatever gun you please to shoot those No Trespassing signs at the local trailhead.
I'm a life member of the NRA and have been for 45+ years. No harassment calls in all that time.
If not for the NRA, we'd all be bowhunting. Anyone who thinks the Democrats don't want ALL your guns is living in fantasy land. Do the names Shumer, FineSwine and Pelosi ring a bell? Not to mention lame duck O'bummer who has nothing to lose.

All Republicans want us to live in a theocracy where we have to worship one of a few prefered religions.

Sound silly, right?

A few Democrats want to eliminate firearms in America. Most democrats I know are pretty staunch supporters of the 2nd Amendment.
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