NV Silver State Desert Sheep Hunt

I hope this thread has a happy ending. I would probably shoot the first full curl ram I saw if I ever get a sheep tag. I also told my boss at work if I ever draw a sheep tag I will be gone for the entire season and come back if they’ll have me. Cause for the average person you only get one sheep tag and work will always be there.
Thanks @BuzzH! We are going to hunt hard up to Christmas. If we don't find one we will have a few days after Christmas to kill A ram.
I'm really glad to hear that you are still getting after it robie. No doubt it is getting harder, but I'm guessing the challenge will just add to your amazing adventure.
Best of luck and Merry Christmas/Happy New Year.
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Well guys it's done. I got A ram. Right now im feeling frustrated and like I want throw up. This isn't how the best tag in the state was supposed to end up but here we are. For reasons I'll never understand my guide suggested we pass on a couple of 170ish rams in July. I didn't know enough at the time to say hell no and it's something i have to live with. Always remember it's your tag and you make the call. Let the guide make his recommendations. I just trusted the guide. Stupid on my part.

I'll let it all settle in and share how the hunt went down but wanted to share that i killed and it's over.

If you draw a sheep tag in NV and want to go guide give me a call I'll share my full experience.
I have never drawn a glory tag so can't say that I fully understand how you are feeling but I hope it settles in and ultimately you appreciate the experience and the trophy. I honestly believe just getting to actually hunt sheep and feel your heart jump out of your chest when you see one that you might be interested in taking is the real highlight and something that not many people will be able to do.
I debated even posting that. But it's the raw emotion of how I feel in the moment. The hunt yesterday was awesome. And the stalk was bad ass. I'll post the rest once I have a moment to reflect. Gross score 164. Solid ram.


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I debated even posting that. But it's the raw emotion of how I feel in the moment. The hunt yesterday was awesome. And the stalk was bad ass. I'll post the rest once I have a moment to reflect. Gross score 164. Solid ram.
Reminds me of the podcast when Corey talks about his glory tag and having a set score number. He regrets doing that to himself and took it as a learned lesson.
Congrats! Hell of a nice ram. We all have hunts we wish we could do over, I’d bet that frustration wears off when he’s hanging on the wall. If it doesn’t, I’ve got one word for you…edibles.
Well guys it's done. I got A ram. Right now im feeling frustrated and like I want throw up. This isn't how the best tag in the state was supposed to end up but here we are. For reasons I'll never understand my guide suggested we pass on a couple of 170ish rams in July. I didn't know enough at the time to say hell no and it's something i have to live with. Always remember it's your tag and you make the call. Let the guide make his recommendations. I just trusted the guide. Stupid on my part.
From the little I know of your hunt I can relate. I like some of the perspectives shared - nothing beats all the knowledge you gained, days spent doing what you love, and it’s just gravy to be rewarded with an awesome ram. Thanks for being real - far too many only share the ups. I’m confident you're ram will only grow on you
I would make sure to remeasure it myself or an official scorer. Those biologists have been known to measure short by quite a bit ( 2-4”) . That’s a big difference
Awesome ram! Congratulations. A very successful hunt not only for the great ram that as harvested but the perspective that was gained and shared.
That’s a nice ram

I think it’s better to get to do a whole bunch of sheep hunting and kill that ram than it is to kill a 170 on a 110 degree miserable day in July and never get to hunt.
I had a once in a lifetime cow elk tag in ND in 06. I could have taken a marginal shot on opening day. If I had connected, I would have missed out on a lot of experiences that I had over the next two months. I finally connected on a -10 degree day in December. I got to experience the area before the oil boom changed it. It is probably my favorite hunt.
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