PEAX Equipment

The fun is just starting when you pull the trigger- a sheep story

An amazing adventure, both solo and with friends and family as it turns out.

Thanks for sharing parts of the beauty, trials and successes found along the way.
All I can say is Wow!!! Great sheep and an even better story to go with it!

It's a good reminder that hunting is about so much more than pulling the trigger! Seeing that beautiful sheep will bring you back to those grueling hikes and packouts!
Had to reread the whole thread to see if I acknowledged what an impressive hunt you had. I'd say this wasn't was one of those " wait until they rut, shoot one near the road" hunts. Good gawd.
Herculean effort, congratulations on a great ram.
I had to laugh at myself a little as the season went on, sheep did get quite a bit easier to find in the last week or so of the season, the last weekend I saw more sheep than I had in 27 days of scouting and hunting leading up to shooting my ram. I would have had considerably less anxiety about finding a good sheep if I had known that in advance, although I wanted an adventure and certainly got more than I expected the way I went about it...
Great read! Thanks for sharing! I hope to suffer such a hunt one of these years!