Stop Blaming Conservation Orgs

How did you draw that conclusion?

Matt painted BHA as an "r3" focused org.

Curious if you listened to the whole podcast? They both repeated numerous times their overall support for the org and raised their discontent towards R3 being a big part of BHA in comparison to other agenda items like conservation and access.

Both are members of BHA, so I believe it's pretty fair for them to challenge or question the org's focus.

Part of the podcast had a piece about how Matt was prevented from asking the membership how they felt about adding more hunters on the landscape, in essence questioning the members on recruitment, and was shut down.

@Elky Welky I wouldn't go as far as saying they smeared the org. They talked about their discontent towards BHA's stance on R3. They also said a lot of good about the org and I beleive it would be unfair to focus only on certain negative parts of the podcast.

I 100% agree with you that their "pint nights" counting as R3 is pushing it.
Perhaps Hunt Quietly should focus their discontent on the real boogeymen of R3. Those horrible volunteer FWP Hunter Safety instructors. My daughter had her mandatory field day last Saturday and there must have been fifty kids that they certified and helped prepare for the field. They even let them shoot guns. 😏
I think I need to be educated. What are some positive things hunters have seen on the ground from BHA. And I don’t care for the argument of just think about how much worse it could be. I truly believe if we tried to adjust our mule deer season BHA would be the loudest voice crying they are taking opportunity away.
I think I need to be educated as well. What have you personally done to make positive improvements for hunters on the ground in MT? Please enlighten the group so we can properly weight your criticism.
I think I need to be educated. What are some positive things hunters have seen on the ground from BHA. And I don’t care for the argument of just think about how much worse it could be. I truly believe if we tried to adjust our mule deer season BHA would be the loudest voice crying they are taking opportunity away.
Educate me with some articles of the differences you have made?
Tony is too shy, so...
Ravalli CO Fish & Wildlife Assn has been at the forefront of issues as long as I've been involved (2007) and they're responsible for the mule deer LE districts in the Root, they were instrumental in swinging votes every single session I've been at with the Bitterroot contingent (one session we could just call Tony & Robert and the next day, boom, vote count we wanted).

Anaconda Sportsmens Club is responsible, along with Skyline Sportsmen's Club, for a ton of the WMA's down in the Big hole and Madison County/Beaverhead County and they were both instrumental in getting the stream access law and the state lands hunting laws passed. Currently, Anaconda was a leader in getting a lot of acreages added to existing WMAs around Fleecer, etc.

Anaconda Sportsmen have ran the Sportsman's Campground on the Big Hole since the 1950's at least (Boys coming home from war wanted a place close by so their weekends off from the Smelter were fun).

Hellgate Hunters & Anglers has done amazing work in R2 on elk issues, working with landowners and the agencey to improve hunting, reduce the use of shoulder seasons and give everyone a fair shake. They also host one of the best elk events in the state - State of the Elk.

Those small clubs were responsible for most of the elk reintroductions in the 50's, etc. They led on Roadless area conservation and they continue to work day in and day out with their local bios, wardens and commissioners to develop better management prescriptions.

When we put the call out for hunters, we go to these small rod and gun clubs because they show up, ever time.
I like to give my money to local groups like this who are doing some heavy hitting through honest to goodness grass root efforts, handshakes and hard work. they don’t spend money on frivolous things that look good on the ‘gram, but don’t do much good overall. Unfortunately in todays age not posting to social media or not having a huge following outside your local faithful will appear to the masses as if you don’t do anything.
Perhaps Hunt Quietly should focus their discontent on the real boogeymen of R3. Those horrible volunteer FWP Hunter Safety instructors. My daughter had her mandatory field day last Saturday and there must have been fifty kids that they certified and helped prepare for the field. They even let them shoot guns. 😏
Congratulations to your daughter! I taught a class last week in our school to 71 6th graders. I could probably fill another class next week if I wanted to.
FYI just because some folks are not going to donate to some pfhucked MT deer raffle for the MT FWP doesn’t mean they’re “blaming” the sponsoring organization.
I wonder if these same people tell kids their raffle/fundraiser isnt worth it? Maybe they peruse facebook and tear down other raffles/orgs that go to a good cause or at the very least trying to make a positive difference. Seems like people should have better things to do with their time.

Post in thread 'Cattle rules wildlife'

Seems like at some point - itd be prudent to just not buy the ticket or shut the hell up about it. @Elky Welky has taken these brazen borderline personal attacks pretty well. Maybe someone get dfs some kleenex for the forkys that get shot and some more kleenex (and lotion) for mattys next beligerant incoherent ramble he calls a podcast.
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Matt Rinella just seems like he really likes the smell of his own farts and his internal clock is always set to ‘confrontation’. Not a guy I’d have a beer with. Steve is pretty smug nowadays but he’d at least be bearable.
i had to read that twice to not see "internal c*ck"
i thought Hunt Quietly started out with some decent thoughts and points on problems in the hunting space that needed to be addressed.

it very quickly devolved into a very immature outfit that seems mostly hell bent on running a smear campaign against anyone and everyone.

after having deleted instagram i swear it's almost better to not have to see their bullshit anymore more than it is to have to see cammy boy's bullshit.

in before the lock.

They were immature from day one.
Congratulations to your daughter! I taught a class last week in our school to 71 6th graders. I could probably fill another class next week if I wanted to.

I’m telling Matt. Prepare to face the wrath of Hunt Quietly for participating in the recruitment of more hunters. 😄😏

Thanks for your efforts. My daughter had a great experience in her class. Hunters Ed instructors do a great job.