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SF118 Action alert big bucks for big bucks take 2

I stopped reading once all the bickering started but a simple solution would be make land owner tags doe/cow only and limited to the property with no closed season or maybe close from mid jan to april so you dont get those accidental bull/buck kills after their antlers have dropped. Although we know that won't happen because it's really about the bull/buck tags. Most land owners now bought their land 10-20-50 years ago fully knowing there was wildlife on the property so it's kind of like buying a house next to an airport and complaing about the noise, they knew it was there all along.
On what, specifically?
Taking pronghorn tags away from landowners. And I won't be affected by it. No goats here. I drew my tag this year with 13 pts. They are in favor of the Baiting ban altho the G F don't follow their own criteria on it. When the sport men of ND rely on private land for lost of their opportunities I do t think it's good policy to try and restrict those landowners.
Well when a group that advocates for public land rights. Comes into a state that's 95% private and starts advocating and trying to take things away from private landowners such as tag allocations, hypocrisy on who can and can't bait, they can go find another rope to piss up. Go ahead and piss off the landowners in ND, if you think stuff is posted now just wait till even more get sick of it.

Put ND aside. Do you enjoy having public lands to hunt on in other states?

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